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Gonorrhea cure???


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Says LaoHuLi:

Just wishing I could retire.

Actually job hunting right now.
Anybody got anything please PM me or I'll start doing an Artiew.


Since Artiew found a job you could be his rightful follower in the career department. And as we learnt: it worked for him. Maybe because he spent so much time posting on the board he did not have much time left to worry to much :grinyes: :grinyes: :grinyes:

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"...What I wonder about is how this individual came to the conclusion that he has pharyngeal gonorrhea..."


This sort of my/LHL's point I think, how does this guy know? As for self diagnosis and mis use of antibiotics...I'll try to explain. Basically, a person can take a "short dosage." This means that a low dose was taken, not enough to kill off the infection, or the dosage was not taken for a long enough time. In either case, the infection can become resistant or stronger, and harder to treat. Also, it is possible for a person to have an adverse reaction to an antibiotic. Or a person can be taking other medicines which can conflict with the antibiotics, or the person may have taken the same antibiotic for the same or different illness, and now it may be less effective. Severel possibilities exist.


Norflaxin 400,


Not sure how to interpret the tone of your post...I think we are all in agreement that a clinical diagnosis is best. I see no justifiable reason why a person cannot go to a clinic, yet can ask his friend to post on the internet seeking advice, it just doesn't make sense!


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As i said earlier "against my better judgement" .

Maybe the intro to this section "Spots on your dick? ask the guys" should be amended to "spots on your dick? ask the doctor".


I guess if people can't even be persuaded to wear a condom then trying to disuade "self diagnosis" is asking a bit much. In light of the notion that the average Thai doctor will at best only conduct an cursory examination based on Q and A or a quick look as witnessed personally (once in a clinic and once in a hospital), I find this all to be a bit of a storm in a teacup but definately no joking matter.


What i do find disturbing however and indeed dangerous is the general lack of STD knowledge by the vast majority of guys going for "oriental sex holidays".


Which poses the age old question. "whats more dangerous a small amount of knowledge or none at all?


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