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NPF Fantasy football PREMIER LEAGUE


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Brilliant finish, boys, some excellent scores and only 13 points separating the top 4 - a lot less than the Premier League!! Congratulations to the divemaster, it will almost be a pleasure to hand over the cash in the summer!!


Great day for me personally as I finally hit the top half AND overtook Bangkok Phil! George, you were lucky!!


All I need now is a decent result on Monday night in the playoffs - last night was a bit too lively, memories of 4-4 v Charlton!!



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Thank's mate :) it was a great ending to the game with both Froggo and K-Man nearly taking top spot right at the end of the night, really a close finish, ::


Bkk Phil will be gutted you passed him :o


Good Luck for the last play off game hope to see the Black Cats back with the big boys next season !!

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''Just wait until next season ''


Yeah Yeah 55555555555555555555 :: you have never won this game and notice the guys above you all are winners unlike yourself :neener: :neener: :neener: :neener:

All season I have read your empty promises how you would beat me and now you talk of next season already ::

I will recieve the trophy next week and be thinking of you ::

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Thanks Limbo,

You did well for the first season playing, just missed out on a prize by one place,


Notice both Froggo and myself won the prizes we donated ::


[color:"red"]1 All Blacks Racha[/color]

[color:"green"]1st prize

Cash prize of 6,500 baht

3 Nights Air-Con Accommodation for 2 people at Ban Raya resort Racha island 23 kilometers off Phuket island,

Breakfast, boat transfers, scuba diving included[/color]



[color:"red"]2 Soi Park Gooners K Man[/color]

[color:"green"]2nd prize

Cash prize of 4,000 baht

Brand new Siemens mobile phone[/color]


[color:"red"]3 nana plaza frogs frog patrol[/color]

[color:"green"]3rd prize

Cash prize of 3,000 baht

Large bottle of Jonnie walker Black Label[/color]


[color:"red"]4 Carlsberg Girls Mr Dreamer[/color]

[color:"green"]4th prize

Cash prize of 2,000 baht

Dinner for 2 at the Londoner pub[/color]


[color:"red"]5 FC Pinky-Toe Zaad Batistuta[/color]

[color:"green"]5th prize

Cash prize of your money back 1,000 baht[/color]


[color:"red"]6 Sathorn Saints Ultras67[/color]

[color:"green"]6th prize

Cash prize of half your money back 500 baht[/color]


7 Samui FC Limbo stevens


8 playskool#1off Juan Bautista Jecker


9 Sukhumvit Strikers phiket pete


10 Chiang Mai LadyBoys SUZI BANDIT


11 Peckie Utd Dave Peck


12 Wheat Beer Addicts George in Bkk


13 VicHalomLalalalalala Long Gone


14 The Bangkok Mouths Philip Williams


15 DYNAMO DIM SUM Lord Lucan


16 Zion FC Zion


17 sayjann's winners chris farrant


18 BKK Saints kevin brown


19 The mighty reds Robbie 9 God


20 Green Nuns Samuli N


21 Yankees Pom Michael

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KMan, Racha, and I were on the phone with each other for the final when the points came in. Mr. Diver was one tense bloke, let me tell you. :)


As it all turned out, Kman pipped me for 2nd by 3 points with a last minute bonus surge, and Racha won by 4 points over KMan and 7 over me. Bibblies was not far back in 4th, much to Racha's releif.


This competition's closeness is quite remarkable given we are talking about nearly 2,000 points over 38 matches, and only 7 points was the difference between 1 and 3.


Some achievments:

Obviously, Racha. The Diver emerged after 2 seasons of semi-obscurity to set the pace for virtually the entire campaign. Kman, bibblies, and the frogs kept him honest, but the title was almost always his to lose. Fine playing, mate. You set the bar thoroughout, and completely deserved it! I think you will be a force next year as well.


Kman again proves his mastery of the game. Quality player, and surely will be top 3 again next year. NEVER count this Gunner out of any competition! he is a master.


The frogs continued their Champions League consistency (1st, 4th, 3rd) over 3 years, though winning the whisky was somwewhat amusing. For those who know me, whisky is not what I need. So, drunken frogs they will be!


Bibblies, love him or hate him, is a good player. A bit conservative at times and with a tendencey to always pack his team stars (e.g., Owen, RVN, and Henry) but he does get results. Again, a CL spot for him.


Other noatbles: Naive firmly holds on to the UEFA Cup spot. Well done. He, along with several others, seemed to get stronger as the game went on.


The Girls just pipped the Pansies in a battle of beer vs. flowers, with Zaad finsihing a surprising 8th. I thought he would be higher. Maybe he was mourning Maradona's problems? Expect these 3 quality sides to challenge next year.


Ultras maybe was more focused on the CL competition, but along with Jacko, a top ten finish in a very competitive league is quite respectable.


My Gooner friend Limbo always had a super attitude, and should rally his team to great heights next year. JBJ - what happened? Lasy year, you were the value king. This year just wasn't yours.


Pete dropped off, as did his interest, while the ladyboys had their sights focused on the NFL. They are very dangerous there.


Peckie pecked my friend George, who is likley fine with that as he is now in Ireland riding bikes and drinking Murphys.


My first year rival, "Long Mr. transfer Gone" pipped Phil in their own private battle. But these two footie aficianados must have more in them for next year?


I have a plane to catch now, so this will have to do, but there are some very recognizable names in the 19 - 39 group. Some were still learning the game, some gave up, and others never really paid much attention to it, but one thing is for sure: a few folks in this group will challenge next year.


In sum, thanks to everyone for participating, Racha for organizing, the prize donators for donating, and the EPL for giving us the most competitive league in the world.


See you here again in a few months.



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Racha, for many gameweeks you were our leader which is why I believe you were the deserved champion.


Credit to the rest for making this competition exciting and interesting till the last second. :up:


I'll do my best to finish higher next season. :)

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Yes, indeedy an excellent finish to a long season.

From the time I arrived at Racha towers it was noticable, for someone of a usual calm demenour, this man was on tenterhooks. The top 4 players teams were all printed out, the beer was chilled time to roll ..


Score Flash .. Pompey 1 up .. Yakubu, then 2, then 3 the Dancing NZer was living up to his name. Our man was steaming away into the sunset, but he was still on edge and kept muttering "Too Early .. Too Early". As for me my evening was getting worse not only were points going east in the FF, but ..."Score Flash" Leicester were 1 up at Highbury. OMG its a bloody nightmare, even a junior Racha joined in the festivities, with a chorus of "Arsenal No Good" .. "Arsenal No Good" echoing around the towers. I had visions of last season, which was the last time I'd seen our man this happy, Kewell had just put Leeds 1 up at Highbury.


Half Time our man was well infront of the chasing pack, but still a jibbering wreck, the menthols were taking a hammering.

Then things started to change. Vierra Goal, Anelka Goal, Owen Goal, Gerrard assist .. Now this was getting interesting, the gap was closing again. Then, another for Yakubu and it was goodnight K Man even 2nd place looked likely to be going to Froggo at this point.


Final whistle and time to check the scores .. Now bonuses were going to come into this, after about 30 minutes of muttering "This site always screws the scores up, I don't believe this" he finally believes.


In the end it was just desserts for a superb performance from The All Blacks. He gave us all a glimmer of hope with the deadline miss over Easter, but in a way that was good as it set up a great last day for the top 4.


In the end all I'll say is "Arise Sir Racha and Welcome To The NPFF Hall of Fame" :applause: :applause: :applause:

You do however realise that for full acceptance into the Academy you need to swear alleginace to The Gooners :grinyes:


As for the Soi Park Gooners, no complaints at all, to get 2nd after languishing in mid table mediochrity for much of season was alright by me. Top marks to the ever consistent Froggo for 3rd and to Bibblies, keep trying mate you might be a winner one day. Well done and thanks to everyone else for making it fun again.


See you all at the Londoner.




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