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Guest lazyphil

<<I have a few paintings that are worth about 700$ each so they had to be insured as a special item>>


I have some paintings that my 2 year old daughter has done--I reckon some modern art tosser at the Tate would part a small fortune for with any luck :dunno:

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I am sorry to hear the beak-in. It was a nasty thing to happened. Like some of the posters I was broken-in a few years ago. It was done by a couple of thugs from a certain ethic group. Intially I saw all people of that ethic group as thugs or potential thugs. Over time I found this to be the wrong thing to do. Some of my co-workers and neighbor are of that ethic group and they are good hard working people. I hope you do not become disenchanted with Thailand and her people.

I was wondering how you see things now..a week later. The tangible things can be replaced or made more of.. but the intangible things are harder to repair or replace. You choose to live in Thailand for certain reasons I hope all those positives reasons outweight the bad thing that happened to you. A reward for info about the break-in sounds like a good idea. Any chance a private dectective or some kind of "facilator" could help you find these guys? I think you would get some satisfaction and it would put your mind at ease if these guys got caught. Thanks for listening to my two cents. Good Luck.

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Ok, I'm sold. This is the 3rd farang break in I've read about. It is now so clear that I am equally totally unprotected from an inside job; something I never thought about much before. I think a motion/pressure detector that rings a telephone number when tripped that can run on batteries would give me peace of mind when away. It sounds perfect as if it is an inside job, they might first cut the power. Where to find in LOS?


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first time I left town for Pattaya for a weekend. They got 6 buddhas, 4 pair of shoes (SIZE 11!!!), one gold necklace, 3 watches ( one an engraved gold watch my father bought for my college graduation!!!), a digital camera, and a stereo system....but thank buddha they left my computer cuz that's my life and my money.

Cops came and took prints and the smelly ass shoes and hat the thieves left behind. Been 6 months and nothing now.


I didn't feel safe so I moved in to the house behind the one I was in with a high fence and a bigger place with more lighting for only 5,000 Baht more.


2 weeks after I move in they broke into my office downstairs and stole my new computer...so now there was nothing on it yet I hadn't used it much....


I found out from the police that my area (Prah Kanong) is notorious for robberies.


I blame this on no one really. I have seen and heard in the news that robberies and theft are skyrocketing. Thaksin is eliminating all the nightlife jobs, prostitution and drugs, WITHOUT replacing them with any job training or education or welfare....what else are people gonna do but rob and steal... I'm from New York...I've had guns stuck in my face and beaten up for money....it's not that bad here yet but give Thaksin another term in office and it will be. Robbery is harmless physically...mentally it's a fuck but nobody gets hurt...somehow I think that is what thai's are gonna begin to do when things get harder...rob the foreigners..we will survive and they need to somehow....


but that is just my 2 satang :dunno:

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Says dandan:

I was wondering how you see things now..a week later. The tangible things can be replaced or made more of.. but the intangible things are harder to repair or replace. You choose to live in Thailand for certain reasons I hope all those positives reasons outweight the bad thing that happened to you. A reward for info about the break-in sounds like a good idea. Any chance a private dectective or some kind of "facilator" could help you find these guys? I think you would get some satisfaction and it would put your mind at ease if these guys got caught. Thanks for listening to my two cents. Good Luck.


I know I wrote that I was done contributing to my own thread here. I thought maybe be not writing, it would help me forget and move on. Uh, no.


A week later and this is still very much on my mind. I honestly am considering moving out of my apartment ...and back to the US. That would be drastic, I know, but I think I need a break away from Thailand for awhile. Also, I have had no success finding another apartment and time is running out on my current place (I told the owner I would leave the end of this month) and my visa (expires the 30th).


The police say it will take a month for the fingerprints report to return. I really don't think they will do much despite me talking to a Pol. Col. and having my company assist. Again, I don't expect to get anything back that was stolen.


I certainly don't feel as badly as I did one week ago and do not blame all Thais. Still, fairly certain it was an inside job done by Thais still working in my building, I am not comfortable at all and reluctant to go out even for a short time. When, I do go out, I am thinking about going home. That is not good.


Unless I find another place the end of this week, I will likely move towards leaving Thailand. :(


Thanks for your words, dandan.

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sorry to disillusion you guys, but the police aren't going to go out of their way to help a robbed falang. they consider it their duty to file a report and no more. if you were a prominent business man or diplomat or somebody like that, then maybe. but on the whole they don't care.


i got robbed a few years ago. it was obiously an inside job and it was obvious who they needed to question. but they didn't do a thing. i was lucky in that my loss was only a laptop computer and immediately cancelled credit cards. but the attitude was pretty clear. the police joked about, filed a report, and did NOTHING. it was almost as if, as a falang, i was thought of as fairgame, and that a robbed falang is just another business success for thailand, i.e. the idea is to part a falang from his wealth. how its done is irrelevant.


and im afraid all the other stories ive heard about are the same. my lesson was learnt, and now i leave valuables in my own country, or dont have them at all. even on long stays (6 months) in thailand, a passport, plastic, and mobile phone are all the valuables i need, and they can be carried. the next time im robbed they will get my smelly old clothes and shoes and nothing else (apart from my toothbrush and some soap perhaps, oh, and maybe some half eaten biscuits, and maybe a few teabags).





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