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With the End in Sight, NEP turns Nasty


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Having read about the changed closing times, I came over from Hong Kong with several of my friends for one last hurrah...just in case. NEP is not the same. There is a get as much as you can before the end comes attitude, and it is really ugly.


In two of five bars (in keeping with KS's policy I won't name the bars), there was flagrant bar padding. In one bar, it almost got phyiscal when we brought it to our dek serve's attention. She didn't care. Nor did the management. Expecting NEP to be history in a month, they just wanted to get as much money as they could now from the Farangs. It was as simple as that.


Proof of the old Bangkok axiom - mentioned in Stickman's column this week - of how businesses in Thailand tend to take a short time view - jacking up prices and employing rip-off's to make up for lost business, and then using blantant lies to cover it all up. Unbelieviable and mai sanuk


I have never been a Patpong fan, but now, with the end of NEP in sight, and everyone there knowing it, Patpong is much better choice. My NEP days are over.

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Having never bveen a great fan of Nana proper( is that an oxymoron) but a great fan of the bars near to the place. Big dos, Day to Night, the new place on suk etc will they try and make a go due to all the hotels nearby?

What say the BKK pros!

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The end will be pretty predictable. I would imagine the named sanuk districts are already receiving large number's of applications from girls in the "un-named" one's. The result will be the 'blessed' bars being able to pick from the cream-of-the-crop, and will result in some great eye-candy for those bars empowered to operate without new restrictions (at least minimal ones).


The big question is what will happen to all the girl's outside the designated districts? There are a couple thousand in S/C and NanaP alone. Some will stay, even with restricted hours (assuming the bar stays in business), although not the one's used to turning at least one+ trick per night.


Will lower Suk be turned into a giant outdoor whorehouse? I doubt it. The giant outdoor whorehouse will be right outside of PatPong, and the other two districts. That is where the potential customer base will be, and so the trade will be shifted, and plied there.


It should be interesting. Necessity is the mother of invention. And every action, has an equal and opposite reaction. If new rules, do in fact, come to fruition, it will be the result in trying to control the situation, which has larglely been left to it's own devices, to set it's own rules.


IMO, it will continue to do so. After the dust has settled, the underlying situation will be the same, only with a slightly altered face, amid a carnage of bankrupt businesses.


Girls heading back home to work in the rice fields? Don't count on it. They are there for a reason, and simply by telling them they must change venue's, is not going to change those reasons. In some ways, it will be interesting to see all the innovative ways the girls will undoubtably come up, with to circumvent the obsticles thrown in front of them. They are a determined lot. They will survive. Which is more than can be said of the affected bar owners. The girls have options. The bar owners do not, if proposed laws are in effect and enforced.


To the post at hand.....yea, things will/are turn ugly at Nana, SC, and any other area affected. It is/will be, a desparate situation for many. The ship is sinking, and will be every man and woman for him/her self. Hard to put on a smiley face under those circumstances, and can't help but to show through. I suspect this is what original poster is witnessing now.


But hey....TIT. No strange twist or turn here would surprise me. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. And I suspect all may not be lost, yet. Ill conceived proposals without thinking beyond it's actual impact, is a trademark uniquely Thai.


Stay tuned to this board for further developments. I can almost promise a comedy of errors will ensue, leaving everyone just shaking their heads, in disbelief. Mark my words. :-)



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Well said and I agree with you. I said in an earlier post that we should all wait and see and there is certainly a way out somewhere. Laws are there to change it. My expectation is, that Suk Area will become a Zone as well. Probably in the last minute or a bit later. Lets sit back and see what is coming.


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