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Barfine etiquette


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Thanks for everyone's comments. The concensus thus far seems to be the lady should be able to what she wants after the bar closes as long as she is doing her job during working hours. However, the barowners haven't weighed in yet. Agree that many of the ladies not barfined are actively looking for customers on the streets after closing hours.


Regarding ladies locked in the upstairs rooms at SC after hours, my limited acquaintance with a few BGs living in rooms over the SC bars indicate the doors are locked for security to keep unwelcome guests out, but the ladies are free to go and come as they wish. I recently phoned one after my recent late arrival (about 3 am) to Bkk, and she left her room to come visit me. Another told me she has to call a friend to come downstairs to let her in when she returns after doors are locked, as every lady staying there does not have their own key to the downstairs doors.

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not all bars but more then one that i know of. info is from around 2-3 years ago. do not know whether this is still done.

it's not an agreement, it is just the house rule. in one a gay bloke keeps the key and also sleeping upstairs and let the girls who return from the BF in; in another it is a mamasan who keeps the keys. but no girl is allowed to leave.

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Hi samak,


I'm not trying to bust your ass here. I've heard of this before. I'm just trying to pin it down. I do believe this to be a past practice, from what I know. But, is still a real situation?


Anybody know?



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you will not be able to bust my ass! i noticed this 2-3 years ago. and several people have confirmed that to me.

at that time i was rather regular at SC, may be twice a week. since then as i was not interested in the topic, i have not asked for a update. maybe it has changed, maybe (and i know things change not as fast in SC) not. nowadays i am only maybe once per month at SC. if it really is of such a great interest maybe i can go and ask for a update....

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Hi Samak,


>>>>if it really is of such a great interest maybe i can go and ask for a update....<<<<


That would be great!


I'd really hate to think of this being a real situation there. I do know, that girl's involved in such a situation, are not allowed to talk about it. So if true, would not be widely known. Anything you could do to verify this, would be greatly appreciated. I know you have a really great command of the Thai language, so you might be able to have insights, that us mere mortals, can only hope to gleen. ;):bow:


Thanks, Samak!



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rompandadam said:

Samak...I know Soi Cowboy quite well and I have NEVER heard of women being kept there against their will (if this is what you mean!)..are you sure someone isnt pulling your leg?


I dunno for SC, but for thai brothels that's certainly the case.

Indentured and slavery that is.

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Sorry I didn't get to this earlier.


Quite a few of my girls head off after work to discos or hang around the JP bar area in the hope of getting a nightime companion. I know this as I have been captured there a number of times and had to fork out for a drink or two for my girls !!!


The only ways it would bother me are if the girl didn't make it in to work on time the next day because she had been out all night (with or without a punter) or if it affected her work to the extent that she became disinterested or not trying to work properly etc. because she already had the agenda fixed for the night.


I have had it once where a guy barfined a girl and then her attitude changed a couple of days later. She wasn't interested in the customers and not hitting on the sort of guys I know she likes. Well, it turned out that she was meeting a cheap charlie who didn't want to pay barfines. I told her to sort herself out or leave. She bucked up.


Another girl had a punter who would come in late and try to get the girl for free after the bar closed. Sorry, no can do. Take a girl from the bar, pay the barfine. I know the bar is closing but the bar cannot be closed until after his checkbin has been paid.


Sorry to disappoint but as long as it does not affect my business, the girls are free to do whatever they like after they finish work.

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sorry to ask for a clarification of that!


so you would accept that one of your BG goes with a (former) guest of your bar after closing hours without paying the barfine as long as it is not on a regular basis and it does not affect the girl's attitude and behaviour?

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Not all bars do it, but I know of 1 cowboy bar that does.


The girls are not locked up against their will, ... the owner has some sort of logic that it prevents temptation for the girls to slip down to the bar in the middle of the night and syphon off a few bottles etc to their waiting boyfriends. The girls all accept it and go along with it.


The girls are not actually locked into one room, but the door is locked on the ground floor doorway from the bar to upstairs, thus negating any possible escape route out onto cowboy itself. The girls have free reign throughout the other floors of the bar.


Pretty dangerous if there was ever a fire.




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