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How long does is take for a diamond to wear off?


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MaiLuk said:

BP: Fish. Don't forget the fish. Eating thai style fish added much meaning to the question of why we are on this otherwise barren rock. Pussy and the trips to the shitter only fills out the downtime in between eating the fish.

Let me be the ultimate cynic and ask if you're referring to fish served at the "Y"? :: :rolleyes::cover:

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No!! I'm talking about snapper. OK that still may be confusing. :D


Sea bass and pomfret and yellow tail. River prawn and shrimp. The things that swim in the water and crawl on the bottom. Never saw why people were so enamored with food until I met a whole fish covered with chili sauce. In fact the first thai girl i met was in the US, she talked and talked about food and how she cooked it. Drove me nuts. Seemed like her whole life revolved around food.


First I figured out how important food is to thais so I stopped thinking she was a dimwit. Then when I met the fish with the chili sauce i saw that i was the dimwit for not realizing that food is what its all about. Take away pussy i can survive for months. If the fish goes then i'll off myself no hesitation.


Sea bass is the best :up:

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There is this fantastic thai restaurant at the end on my street right on chalong bay. I have been discovering the numerous variations of the whole fish smothered with chilies but also other wonderful tasty things which I don't know the names of. But I've been there seven days out of the past ten. The thais also have a fabulous way of serving raw oysters.

How do you say sea bass or the others you mentioned in thai. The one they understand readily is snapper which is great!

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I think we all learn in diferent ways and your perception of his method of learning may infact not apply.


Remember back when you got "seasoned" for whatever?

I remember my one and only BG-"love dillusion" and from it I learned never to never let it happen again


It all good really. :)IMHO

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bushpilot said:
josh_ingu said:



>He ain't learning a shit.


Sadly, from his recent posts, I have to agree. As in my earlier post, I thought he was "up" on the situation, but he seems to be working hard to turn the gain into a loss...



I may not be learning "shit" But I am enjoying the ride. I see no loss. I've got my wits about me. I'm seeing other girls. The little time I spend with 20K is enjoyable and educational.


"I might be going to hell in a basket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride"

Jerry Garcia.


First off, John Barlowe and Bob weir wrote "Hell in a bucket" the song to which you refer...now that that is straight...you seem new here, so perhapes you missed my many rambling post about Thai women driving me nuts...one in particular, we shall refer to as Si Saket girl...


She is/was the love of my life. WOuld have done anything for her, given her anything, she wouldn't take it. Over the course of a year (Almost to the day) that I spent seeing her on all my trips. (known her 3 years), I was always trying to win her over fully, figure her out etc. She would say something, do something to show her interest, then say or do something later to off set it...no ryhm or reason to anything she did. Her family offered encouragement to me at times, as did her friends. All sense of common sense and logic escaped her, as they did me. Christmas last year, we had a major proble, I should have bailed and run, but no, I was more determined to make it work...kept trying, kept working it...over the next 2 trips, all seemed to be going well, the way I wanted it, then, she started again...


And again, I started, never wanting to give up, I was convinced this was a game I could win...I now realize I was wrong! Thank god she didn't try to take me for a ride financially, she easily could have. She swore early on, "...I not do like that, you are not same customer..." Thank god she didn't. What is as bad, is the emotional damage, a few of you have an idea of how bad this particular one effected me. She is to date the only Bar girl I ever really fell for, to the point of stupidity. Through out it all, I thought I had my wits about me, I thought I was in controll, had no idea how fast and how far I was getting sucked in, no idea how wrong I was, or how out of controll I was. Which brings us back to the point

Bush Pilot Learn from my mistakes, Which I readily admit. Trust me, keep playing this game, and it won't stop until you end up as I did, angry, jaded, bitter confused and emotionally fucked up by it all. You are playing with a woman/fire here, and you will get burned, no way around it! In Thailand, as many places, women are more dangerous than fire. Stop playing games and tempting the inevitable... or you will end up like me and many others here, and believe me, mine is a world you don't want to know...

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Old Hippie said:

AH, but this is how I started...just a simple date, what ever happens happens, no big deal! But it grew, I never saw it comming...then it consumed me! and now has me all fucked up...well, her and a few other events...


Thanks for the clarification on the Bob Weir song.


I can see that I might be playing with fire. But I too have been burnt a time or two. So I am somewhat detached as af16 mentions. I was sucked in some to begin with as I was wrapped up in my own fantasy and not reality. Spending a little time with 20K and getting some feedback here has dispelled my fantasy for the most part. A corner of my mind still entertains the possibility of sharing my life with smart pretty thai lady with whom I share deep mutual affection, the "la-moon-la-mai" kind of affection. Perhaps I may still find such an animal. Until then I'll have to content myself with the occasional "hot sweaty" at the short time hotel. Things could be worse I could be still in Alaska with some drunk nagging Eskimo. ::

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Old Hippie said:

AH, but this is how I started...just a simple date, what ever happens happens, no big deal! But it grew, I never saw it comming...then it consumed me! and now has me all fucked up...well, her and a few other events...


Sounds like how my marriage went down the shithouse :down: and thus the story of my life, boss. :doah:


jack :help:

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