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How long does is take for a diamond to wear off?


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bushpilot said:And on that note I'll just say I refuse to be like some of the european penny pinchers would have to beat everyone up for 5 and 10 baht just so they can feel superior.
Don't put yourself up higher than europeans. The yanks are world reknown for fucking up all manner of things thinking that their overuse of money is the answer to all questions. Is their desire to be superior hiding an inferiority complex ? thus justifying themselves through overpayment ?
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Right I can see I'm traveling a well worn path here.

I got a couple of messages already about how she thinks of me all the time. Nice girl she is. Anyway now that I've got it clear in my mind that she is a player not unlike the rest. I can proceed in an appropriate manner.

I see now the open ended 20K gift was a big mistake. This marked me as someone stupid with money and not worthy of much respect.

And that's perhaps what I want the most, a little respect. I know now you don't get it by throwing money around like an asshole!

Now my challenge is to explain in a nice way that I'm going to become punter#1. This I now see is the only fair way for her and me. That way I may earn a little respect.

I'll make it clear I the only "snake soup" I want to hear about is soup made with my snake. ::

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You are indeed fortunate that this little lesson only cost you 20K baht.


On a more general note about money and women.

I don't think that Thai women are much different from their western counterparts in their desire to seek financial security. They are a little more desperate and obvious as they have far less options than western women as for most Thai women well paid work is hard to find and also they are probably not likely to inherit a whole lot of money and of course in Thailand there is basically no child support.

Generally speaking women are a whole lot more practical when it comes to love and marriage. They may forgo the handsome or intelligent or witty guy that they are more attracted to for a guy who is a good provider or a guy who is easier to manipulate.

One also has to remember that a women has a shorter period when she is really attractive to the opposite sex so she has to more cunning in her decision making.

In Thailand a womens choice of a man is far more critical to her long term well being than it is in a western country.

It means that 'true love' may have to be compromised for more practical considerations in many circumstances.

Many guys realise that the women they are with have married them more out of security than love but are prepared to accept that situation. For others it can be a festering sore.

There are of course blatant gold diggers and scammers and unfortunatley the woman that bush pilot has been dealing with falls into this category.

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bushpilot said:

Now my challenge is to explain in a nice way that I'm going to become punter#1. This I now see is the only fair way for her and me. That way I may earn a little respect.


Why explain yourself? Take John Wayne's advice, "Walk slow, talk low and don't say much." He was talking about acting but I think it could apply. :D

I'll make it clear I the only "snake soup" I want to hear about is soup made with my snake. ::

Let it go, TIT and the reference might actually be to "snake soup". If we're talking about trouser snake, so what. Forget about it. ::

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Why not just confront her with the facts? Tell her you found out about the other guyand you are so hurt and offended blah blah...play her game, you are in for serious drama here, no matter what...might as well enjoy it...and ignore the suicide threats and the scratched wrists, all part of the game! You can consider the 20K money spent to find out...maybe worth it, maybe not...but in the future, lose the "I can afford it" attitude, it will get you into more of the same... :)

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Old Hippie said:



Why not just confront her with the facts? Tell her you found out about the other guyand you are so hurt and offended blah blah...play her game, you are in for serious drama here, no matter what...might as well enjoy it...and ignore the suicide threats and the scratched wrists, all part of the game! You can consider the 20K money spent to find out...maybe worth it, maybe not...but in the future, lose the "I can afford it" attitude, it will get you into more of the same... :)


What is 20K baht?

When I was a punter, told my then preferred girl she will always get 20K baht when I see her. For two days, three days...no drama.

One condition was - I wanted to see her deposit the money into her bank. Not a big ask, she did it.

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