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Husband are more tempted to have affairs in Thaila


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Cent; I was originally under the same name but as I said earlier its been 4 years or more since I was on this board. I can empathize with you about the kids being a critical factor. It is totally understandable how concern for your children could conflict with your values about honesty in your marriage. I had an infant daughter when things went south in my marriage. I did my best to try and hold things together until she was nearly 6. At that point I couldn't go on any more. But your kids make all of the difference. I wouldn't have stuck with it so long if not for my daughter. It says something about you that your kids prefered to stay with you rather than their mother. With 3 children involved its very difficult to sort out when its better to kill the relationship vs trying to slog on thru for the benefit of the little ones. It's easy to look back and realize where we made mistakes but at the time it happens things are not so clear cut. Still when all is said and done honesty and integrity with our spouses that speaks to our own character. There are many episodes in my own life that I would do differently if I had the chance. I guess the important thing is that we learn from our mistakes. In my trips to Bangkok I've met a lot of Men going through the same relationship breakups, some of them seem to go into this self-destructive downward spiral. Others are just the opposite and appear to rebuild their lives and sense of self-worth. Bangkok can be a wonderful escape from the pain of ordinary life changes. But the escape is just temporary. The facors that got us their still exist and must be dealt with at some point. If I ever decide to re-engage with a western woman in a serious relationship I would have to choose to stop going to Bangkok for my holidays.

Thus far I haven't found the desire to do so, but thats a choice I make upfront. I don't think it is decent to deceive someone you are intimate with. I find it impossible to even lie to the bargirls (not that they have any problems lying to me). I just tell them that I'm a butterfly upfront. I never lead them on to think that it is something more. I've met some very sweet bargirls and even the ones that aren't so sweet I try to treat with respect. I won't let them take advantage or walk all over me. I cut things off the minute I see that sort of thing happen, but quite often I am surprised at how nice of human beings they turn out to be. I'm rambling so I'll cut this off.


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Betcha it is easily available for the high up commie muckety mucks and money boys and bigwigs there though would ya think? And I bet they pay crap and tip like shit to boot, well, except to their mia nois and mistresses maybe. It won't change until the commies are one day overthrown or just fade away once the commoners see the money they are losing and finally get sick of it all. Funny thing about those commies, they talk about sharing the wealth and everyone being equal, but it never seems to happen. They don't share well, the greedy pinko twats."


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  • 2 weeks later...
nick256 said:

Cent; I was originally under the same name but as I said earlier its been 4 years or more since I was on this board. I can empathize with you about the kids being a critical factor. It is totally understandable how concern for your children could conflict with your values about honesty in your marriage. I had an infant daughter when things went south in my marriage. I did my best to try and hold things together until she was nearly 6. At that point I couldn't go on any more. But your kids make all of the difference. I wouldn't have stuck with it so long if not for my daughter. It says something about you that your kids prefered to stay with you rather than their mother. With 3 children involved its very difficult to sort out when its better to kill the relationship vs trying to slog on thru for the benefit of the little ones. It's easy to look back and realize where we made mistakes but at the time it happens things are not so clear cut. Still when all is said and done honesty and integrity with our spouses that speaks to our own character. There are many episodes in my own life that I would do differently if I had the chance. I guess the important thing is that we learn from our mistakes. In my trips to Bangkok I've met a lot of Men going through the same relationship breakups, some of them seem to go into this self-destructive downward spiral. Others are just the opposite and appear to rebuild their lives and sense of self-worth. Bangkok can be a wonderful escape from the pain of ordinary life changes. But the escape is just temporary. The facors that got us their still exist and must be dealt with at some point. If I ever decide to re-engage with a western woman in a serious relationship I would have to choose to stop going to Bangkok for my holidays.

Thus far I haven't found the desire to do so, but thats a choice I make upfront. I don't think it is decent to deceive someone you are intimate with. I find it impossible to even lie to the bargirls (not that they have any problems lying to me). I just tell them that I'm a butterfly upfront. I never lead them on to think that it is something more. I've met some very sweet bargirls and even the ones that aren't so sweet I try to treat with respect. I won't let them take advantage or walk all over me. I cut things off the minute I see that sort of thing happen, but quite often I am surprised at how nice of human beings they turn out to be. I'm rambling so I'll cut this off.










It looks like we've had similar experiences and think in the same way about a number of subjects. Where are you now? If we're ever in BKK at the same time frame let's get together for a beer or a coffee. Or if you are ever in the Surin area let me know by PM and we'll hook up for a chat and a beer Chang! :)



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