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Paying a "bar" for a girl to quit aka "steady"


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Have not posted here in some time.


This SCAM has once again come up in Pattaya. I suppose it still exist in Bangkok as well.


Usually, a FARANG manager or owner will make a tourist or idiot think they have to pay a "steady" or permanant barfine to take a girl out FOREVER or even shall we say give a relationship a go. If a "Thai" bar attempts it, you can also assume just a SCAM unless of course it is a place where the girl is in fact in indentured servitude. These are not normally visited by farangs, especially tourist.


Considered yourself warned...if some farang operation attempts the SCAM on you it is nothing but an expression they think you are an IDIOT and NAIVE. The girl may be in on it as well which should lead you to the obvious conclusion, she is not going to make a good wife or girlfriend, OR WORSE, she is the victim of extortion/blackmail/bribery attempts often played out by farangs and obviously, WITHOUT THE FEAR OF VIOLENCE..


Please spare me and the others here the sales pitch of job security for the girl, "girls only here because of the bar" etc..


We all know several things:


1. The girls working in the Farang bars i.e. Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy and various beer bars, are NOT INDENTURED.


2. The girls working it the "bar"s are not even actually employed or employees, they are simply day to day casual labor.


3. There is no "job security" provided when some farang pays another farang any money, be it 500baht, 5000baht, or even the 15000-20000baht some have the nerve to pressure the GIRL and the guy to pay.


You will find this scam played out most often in the "web" marketed outfits.


Just a warning, take it or leave it. Up to you. I have limited my remarks to "outfits" however, there is a more deeply rooted problem with the cowardly act. It can, has, and does ruin potintial relationships. Cowardly because they(the clever ones) pick on girls and weak guys. Cowardly in addition because of the lack of "fear" of violence(something a pimp act normally involves) and lack or worry about other legal criminal attention by the police. It is simply, for the manager/mamasan/owner, a play of money/SCAM where they don't care who they fuck with(emotional harm) and don't have to worry about any recourse other than perhaps a lost customer.


Cheers and have a nice day.


Nok the Kook

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Two schools of thought on that (my thought, I am not a barowner). One is yes you have paid bar and this releases the girl from her work that evening, whether short or long time her time is "bought". Even if she goes back to the bar and she is able to make money and drinks her services to the bar have been recouped by the barfine whether she goes back or not. So in this case no other barfines are due.


Second is you have simply compensated her for the time she is away. If she is off for 2 hours or all night theoretically she is still a money making power to the bar if she decides to come back after a short time. So therefore a second barfine is substantiated because you take that money making power, for the time she is actually going to be there, away from the bar (a take which admittedly both bar owner and bar girl will benefit from).


What?s the solution?


Pay barfines where you think necessary but at the end of the day I am trying to save a bit and the bars are trying to make a bit. You must find out where you lie in those matrices.


I will never pay a permanent "buy out" fee however.




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khunsanuk said:



"Second is you have simply compensated her for the time she is away."


In that case shouldn't the fee then be dependent upon the length of time she is away?




Cool. Must remember to ask for a 10 minute barfine next time. Long enough for me. :clown:

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Hi NokTang,


I know of a four girls who have been bought out of Bangkok gogos for at least 10,000 baht each, three have returned! There was no falangs management involved and as far as I know it is common knowledge, expected and not a SCAM. I reckon that even though the girls are not indentured then the 'most lucrative' rules are carried over from the indentured establishments.


The girls I know have been bought out on the understanding that the fee is for then to return to the bar at any time and to resume work. If they are free-lance then they can keep any bar-fines but one girl I know always gives it to the mamasaan.


One girl has been bought out twice from the same bar! Only this morning I had breakfast with her and she reckons that the bar owner does not want her back to free-lance or even to bring a punter. This was due to the two mamasaans who split the 'buy out' fee and never informed the owner! My friend is afraid of possible repercussions and is just accepting this fact.


As far as bar fines are concerned then if a girl does not turn in for work and cannot produce a medical certificate then the bar assumes that she has been with a customer and deducts a bar fine from her wages.


The same management insists that if a girl has her bar fine paid before 22:00 then if she does not return before midnight then it is assumed that she went long-time and another bar fine is deducted from her wages.


There may be all smiles in the bar but it is a shady business and hides a viper's nest!






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Actually the girl gets half of the long term barfine to keep herself.



>>The same management insists that if a girl has her bar fine paid before 22:00 then if she does not return before midnight then it is assumed that she went long-time and another bar fine is deducted from her wages.<<



Don't understand this one! The bar fine for the night has been paid already and is irrespective of whether it is short time or long time. Never heard of this practise before (i.e. having salary deducted because they went long time before 2200)....but then nothing would surprise me.

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This is being done big time in Soi 33 with amounts far greater than Nana and Cowboy.


I know a few Japanese men who have paid a much more than 10,000 or 20,000 baht.


This is done with the idea that the man will not have to spend money on other women and the girl will be available while he is in BKK.


Sometimes some real long term relationship comes from it.

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John_Betong said:


There was no falangs management involved and as far as I know it is common knowledge, expected and not a SCAM.


The girls I know have been bought out on the understanding that the fee is for then to return to the bar at any time and to resume work. If they are free-lance then they can keep any bar-fines but one girl I know always gives it to the mamasaan.


One girl has been bought out twice from the same bar!




The idea that something is common knowledge, and expected, does not make it right and correct and good business nor NOT A SCAM. Of course it is a SCAM...It is not owed, not due, nor legally enforceable. There are no mutual benefits flowing between the "guy" and whomever. He, the customer, never OWED it. You can't dictate someone "owes" money when he never acknowledged the terms nor in many instances knew about it!


If they are freelance you are quite correct. They(the girls) are the ones SCAMMING the guy and/or asking him for some insurance money. THIS DOES NOT involve the "bar". I have never heard of a girl working "freelance" in a GoGo or Beer Bar and keeping the "barfine"s. Maybe they get a portion, but all of it? Doubt it. Besides, the point being the customer DOES NOT OWE any said fee, barfine, etc.. It is the girls problem and worry. WE pay it for her in the instance of her leaving duty. WE are being scammed if we pay it for her to "quit" or leave for an extended time beyond a few days. NEVER give a "bar" the impression you are the one who "owes" barfines. Take that advice or leave it, up to you of course.


Your other point, about the fee being paid twice or more, yes indeed...if both the victims show up at the same time???




Nok the Kook

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