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Ozzy bloke hanged


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NO SYMPOTHY 4 HIM or any drug peddlers




WTF ::


he must of known the consequenses if caught


all a political ploy IMO


when have u heard about our politicians going in to bat 4 known crims.



Take care


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Quite agree with you. He knew the consequences but probably thought he wouldn't be caught or the Aussie Gov. would get him off. Apparently he was doing it to pay off his brothers loan shark debts which the AG thought amounted to extenuating circumstances. Nice to try and help his brother (if that was true) but a bloody stupid way to do it.

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ever though about how many are innocently kept in worlds prisons or even killed?

well for starters there's an ongoing investigation in the US currently if I'm not mistaken...


the countries insisting on killing its own citizens for mistake of grave behaviour could at least leave visitors with the doubt in their (home countrys) favour - thats how most modern societies play internationally diplomacy :)

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Singapore hangs someone every fortnight - this morning a 25 year old Australian. Nobody deserves that in the 21st century. However, when a government executes, they need to be squeaky clean, but Singapore is corrupt, they sue opposition politicians and bankrupt them. And the media is owned by the government - read the goody- goody Straits Times Online. Anybody still want to holiday on their corrupt little island?

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everybody knows that! or at least if your traffiking drugs via that country you should.

You are probably right. I haven't been to S'pore since 1982 but I knew it then. As a former security guard I know that those who know most of the laws are the criminals. They often know more than the police.

show some sympathy for the familys of addicts, the mothers and fathers, then praise forthright policy on hard drugs.

This is two different issues. Firstly the illegal drug trade is like any market based on both demand and supply. As I grew up in a country with a socialist government who's basic principal is that people should not be held resposible for their actions I abhorr this idea. Very few people are forced to use drugs as very few people are forced to traffic in drugs. As for the junkies families the may or may not be guilty but there is always some reason why someone start using illegal drugs.


Sweden has among the harshest drug laws in Europe and has recieved flak from other EU countries for this. However we are a civilized country and don't kill people in the name of the state.





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