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George W Bush: welcome to reality

Tiger Moth

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ALHOLK said:

Worst. President. Ever.


I agree but he faces some pretty stiff competition (Reagan).


Bush II beats Reagan hands down. Little known fact, Reagan was almost impeached over the Iran Contra arms scandel. Tip O'neil made a deal with him, and Ronnie laid down on many issues/bills. So much for "the greatest president of our time..."


Just wondering who you guys think was the best leader the USA has had in our lifetimes, say last 50 years...? In fact, name the best 2. I would say Clinton and maybe Nixon or Kennedy...Kennedy had some good domestic policies, but Nixon opened up talks with USSR and China...Additionally, when Kennedy cheated, Nixion said he wouldn't put the country throught the trouble of an inquiry, though had he done so, it might have kept the current crap from happening...who knows...

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I doubt the fuckers will ever get elected again.


Cameron is good. and I think he will prove better than Blair at his own game. He will make Gordon look like a fool.


My bet is on a hung parliament next time or one with a minor Labour majority (which in Labour terms is NOT an effective majority).


Under a hung parliament IMHO the Tories would be best off letting Labour back in with Liberal support so they could self destruct.


Of course this does not detract from the fact that Cameron is also just a Cunt.


As already said, it's a requirement for the job.

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The "Eisenhower Doctrine" was based on the idea that all of former French Indo-China was probably eventually going to be "lost" to the communists. Ike therefore poured millions into helping the Thais defend their own border, even to the extent of supporting the military strongmen who ran the country. The Reds were to be stopped at the Mekhong -- not at the DMZ in Vietnam.


But feisty young JFK -- a Navy vet, not a former Army general -- decided that South Vietnam could be "saved" and committed more and more men to its defence. And of course LBJ felt he had to continue the murdered president's policies. Nixon, however, had no such "obligation" to JFK's memory and more or less stabbed the South Viets in the back. He decided the war was too costly -- which was what Hanoi had been counting on all of the time -- and negotiatied a cease fire that left the North Vietnamese troops inside SVN, while the US withdrew and left the S Viets on their own. Nixon had committed the US to react with air power if Hanoi renewed the war. Hanoi built up its shattered (literally) forces for two years, with the Soviets and PRC pouring in more military equipment than they had in the entire war up to that date. Hanoi tested Ford's will with a large attack on the S Viet troops at Ban Me Thuot. The USA did nothing. Hanoi realised it then had a green light and launched the blitzkireg that overran the south and "won" the war for the communists.


I remember that arsehole Ted Kennedy publicly worrying that the S Viets might be able to hold back the N Viet Army -- and then the US would have to continue supporting the South some more!


The "Powell Doctrine" came out of the Vietnam War: don't get into a war unless you mean to win it, not just hold back your enemies. And attack the enemy everywhere he is, instead of letting him build up his forces and then attack when he wants to. (GWB -- who has never seen combat -- decided he knew better and ignored Powell.)

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OH, I've wondered what would have happened if Nixon had got in in 1960. He surely would have continued the Eisenhower Doctrine and not committed the US so deeply into the Vietnam conflict.


Nixon is a puzzlement. He did a great service to the country by not challenging the stuffed ballot boxes in Illinois, which would have been as big a mess as Gush and Bore in Florida. (Interesting that Mayor Daley's son was involved in the Florida vote challenges.) But he also seemed to be a bit paranoid -- which is what got him into the Watergate mess in an election he should have known was his without any doubt.

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p.s. Don't overlook FDR, who actually tried to add more justices onto the Supreme Court when it voted some of his actions as unconstitutional and also virtually pushed the Japanese into attacking the US (and thus starting the Pacific war). FDR also thought he could handle "Uncle Joe" -- who openly admitted to him that he had murdered millions of people -- and gave Stalin a freehand to do whatever he wanted in Eastern Europe. If FDR hadn't finally snuffed it (early in his FOURTH term!), he would have let Stalin divide Japan ... just as Germany had been divided. FDR was about as devious a prez as you could ever ask for. Oh, yeah ... he's another one who never served in the military ye thought of himself as a great commander.

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Flashermac said:

OH, I've wondered what would have happened if Nixon had got in in 1960. He surely would have continued the Eisenhower Doctrine and not committed the US so deeply into the Vietnam conflict.


Nixon is a puzzlement. He did a great service to the country by not challenging the stuffed ballot boxes in Illinois, which would have been as big a mess as Gush and Bore in Florida. (Interesting that Mayor Daley's son was involved in the Florida vote challenges.) But he also seemed to be a bit paranoid -- which is what got him into the Watergate mess in an election he should have known was his without any doubt.


A bit paranoid? Don't forget Nixon actually got elected to Congress in 1946 by being anti-communist (and anti-jewish).


He was also was virulently anti-homosexual, and drugs. He claimed the Roman Empire fell because "the last six Roman emperors were fags." Nixon said the Catholic church was better when "Popes were laying the nuns," but "when the Catholic Church went to hell... it was homosexual."


"Do you think the Russians allow dope?" Nixon asked his advisor Bob Haldemann, while discussing the impending Shafer Report. "Hell no... not if they can catch it, they send them up. You see, homosexuality, dope, immorality in general: These are the enemies of strong societies. That's why the Communists and the left-wingers are pushing the stuff, they're trying to destroy us!"


"You know it's a funny thing," Nixon told Haldemann, "every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob? What is the matter with them? I suppose it's because most of them are psychiatrists."


But he was "not a crook."


I've never understood why he put it all on tape.


:) :

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Yeah, I would have maybe considered FDR as a bit of a problem in some ways...but of course, I did say in our life time, or the last 50 years...FDR it could be argued, got the American people to start expecting social programs and government bail outs, which some would argue spiraled out of controll...he was also slow to get involved in Europe, perhapesfor the wrong reasons, and some could effectively argue provoked Pearl Harbour to advance an agenda...a tough call...but for my life time, I have to Say this guy GWB is really about the worst...

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I disagree. It was Krustjev that backed down and possibly saved the world. He was a practical man but without the polit buro's support to stand up for the Soviet's right to shipping in international waters. Of course the Soviet navy at the time was completely inferior to the US navy. It was most likely this incident that caused the build up of the Soviet navy.


I learned recently that the solution of the Cuba crisis included that the US abandoned their missile sites in Turkey. I don't recall this being mentioned in Sweden at that time. I was however a kid at the time so I might have missed it.


That crap said, I did read, that part of Truman's decision to drop the bombs on Japan (which they would have used had they had them same same Germans) was to show an Emerging USSR that we had them, and ment business, and would use them...thus initiating a need for USSR to get them, thus the arms race/build up...

The same situation occurs today in the middle east. The fact that Israel has nukes gives their neighbors no option.





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