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Revolutionary Iran


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texascity said:


these biblical fundimentalists are obvious lunatics .. got some serious crossed wires

lunacy = : virgin birth? earth 6000 years old?


to me: the Iranian position is sane & logical.


The Muslims believe the exact same thing, only they have Baby Jesus speaking at age about 2 or 3 days and telling everyone that he isn't really God's son, just somebody special.


I suppose you think that is sane and logical too ..





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>I suppose you think that is sane and logical too .. <


first: as per the 911 commission "911 was about Israel .. " & oh, Bin Luadin's mom was a Syrian palestinian.


now to history

European white guys chose to be the holy-cost transgressors .. how many ovens were chosen to be in palestine?

gas chambers?

all the holy-cost murders were chosen to be in eurpoe by europeans. 100% European transgression.


middle east chosen's logic simplified/ stupified / the the dummies guide to the chosen:

let's say you were flamed by a poster you kinda have things in common with, let's choose an expat vet school teacher that needs plastic surgery .. but you feel the tourist texascity is non-chosen & lesser being ..


so you flame / abuse / gag / ban texascity.. just because you can


THAT is a chosen reaction but not logical .. as it is not logical to choose to steal from the Palestinains because some one was chosen to be abused by Europeans ..


it was EUROPE not Palestine that chose to perpertrate the holy-cost .. White chosens have chosen to be mad at the non white / non european Palestinians who are forced to live in rufugee camps .. they did not choose to live in the camps..


it was EUROPE that put then in the camps & it was EUROPE that chose to murder the chosen not palestinians.


any fictional / magical / supernatural reason chosen for Israel being allowed to abuse the Palestinians is not sane & logical .. it is criminal .. & chosen


fictional religious bully dogma / insanity is chosen as fact / reality..


Israel & the entire middle east situition is due to a chosen religious fable that some dummies keep choosing to quote & cite


Israel in the Rhine Valley & most of the world's terror problems are disappeared.

it's all about 1947 & 700,000 persons removed from their homes / robbed of their property & put into camps ( where they remian) by the fictional chosen based on a silly chosen fictional fable.


if the bully chosen have the bomb their enemies would choose to be weaklings if they choose to not have the chosen's arsenal.


the way i choose to see it.

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Israel is here to stay, yes the palastinians got screwed. several wars and israel won them all. Hamas vows israels destruction and they are supported by iran whos president recently said israel needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. Suicide bombers, guys flying planes into buildings, hey lets let them have nuclear weapons then the real fun will start.

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I agree it's a situition without an easily chosen solution.


incredable energy wealth by the enemy is a major complicator for the anti-arab's chosen fiction faction

.. oil reserves have garnered Iran more international support than it would have otherwise .. several major players have chosen to side with the persians.


if GM / Ford / GE / et al choose to sell out their country of charter with support of elected / chosen policy makers ..

globalization / corporate profit / wealth rules ..


a cheer went up on the NY stock exchange when it was announced that GM had chosen to lay off 30k workers in the US.

if profit seeking globalizers choose to sell out the citizens of their own country, then profits can also definately effect chosen international policies.


since 2000 the neo con evangelical geo political policy maker has chosen to base government actions on supernatural beliefs .. if common sense is voted into the white house there could be a shift in the chosen path.


this globalization mindset is a big problem for any 'obsticle' of continued global economic expansion ..

& Israel is a major obsticle to lower energy costs / expanded profits, like it or not.


how many $s per barrell has Israel aded to oil price? .. keep in mind that 911 is documented, by official US government reports, to have been at least partially caused by Zion's chosen.

& 100s of billion $s in profit lost is not kosher .. certasinly not a chosen business goal.


energy price (+ lack of neo con global support) is the only reason Iran has not been corralled already.

a lot of the world has chosen to not have $100 oil.


Iran has chosen to hold us by the short hairs.



we'd better hurry.

chosen from today press




On January 28, Safavi said that Iran would use its ballistic missiles if it was attacked.


"Iran has a ballistic missile with a range of 2,000 kilometres," he said on Iranian public television.

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texascity said:


Israel in the Rhine Valley & most of the world's terror problems are disappeared.

it's all about 1947 & 700,000 persons removed from their homes / robbed of their property & put into camps ( where they remian) by the fictional chosen based on a silly chosen fictional fable.



The way I see it is that the arabs and palestinians shot themselves in the foot by not accepting the UN resolution to create or re create the nation of israel, a people that had been there for over 2,000 years. The result of their aggression resulted in a larger israel and many refugees, served them right.

The refugee numbers you quote were the result of israel being attacked by surrounding arab nations. What you don't say is that the camps also existed in syria the lebanon and other areb countries.The suggestion that israel should have been created in germany is far more of a fictional fantasy than basing it's location on the history, tradition and spiritual birthplace of the jewish people.

One further point the contribution to the sciences and art of the jewish people have been immense over the last few hundred years, what have the arabs ever contributed to civilisation? Don't tell me they have been too oppressed, no people have had a harder time than the jews, and they contine to have surrounded by endless aggression and a mindless refusal to accept their right to even exsist.

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[color:"blue"]My 2 satangs worth!



The first atomic bomb was not dropped on Japan as many believe but was denotated above the ground in New Mexico, USA. Some of the characters that were involved with that project thought they might end up taking out that whole state... maybe even that country and one person felt it could actually destroy the whole world.


Within the last week, President Bush asked for 200 billion dollars more to be used to fight the 'wars'. Calculating what has already been spent on the 'wars' and what is already in the pipe line for requests and what future requests probably will be made, it appears this world leader may spend more on what he calls the[color:"red"] 'war'[color:"black"] then what has been spent 0n all of the wars of history!



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For more than 60 years, there has not been one belligerant use of nuclear weapons. They have basically been in responsible and rational hands. That is how things should remain.


Allowing belligerant Iran to equip itself with nuclear weapons is almost certain to lead to future use of nuclear weapons - not nuclear blackmail, but actual offensive detonations. Maybe not this decade - but within the next generation. 'Probably better for the non-Islamic world for things to not proceed in that direction.


This morning, I look at the photos of the fires and damage at the diplomatic posts of Denmark and Norway - in at least three different countries. This reminds me of the seizure of the US Embassy in Iran in 1979. Now - throughout virtually the entire run of of the world's written history, Ambassadors and Embassies have been "off limits" for personal attacks - at least by all civilized peoples of the earth. Through wars and grave disputes, the sovereignty of embassies has universally been honored - except by the Islamofacist barbarians of the past 30 years. I mean - if masses of rabid maniac Islamacists will attack and burn down the embassies of international "bully" countries like Denmark and Norway -because a newspaper in one of their countries had the audacity to print some CARTOONS - and it was FIVE MONTHS AGO that the cartoons were published (September 2005) -

then who in their right minds wants to give any nation from such a lunatic culture access to nuclear weapons???????


Sure - Israel needs to be worried about Iranian nukes. Now - so do Norway and Denmark (lots of container traffic through their ports). Governments that would allow (incite?) pillaging of embassies OVER CARTOONS - would they be reluctant to show their anger over some larger perceived offense by nuking a city?


Viewed as a near-term international dispute, the Iranian regime's machinations may look like one thing - and the issue of national soverignty deserves some respect (not that they would give such in return).


But - if you believe as I do that 2006 is about 34 years into a 100 year war of annihilation between Islam and everything else, then the decision about whether to forcibly prevent Iran from gaining nuclear capability may be a defining moment.


I steadfastly believe that the lunatic fringe of Islam is growing in its power daily. Islam is breeding new Muslims faster than non-Islamic nations are growing their native populations. I can think of absolutely nothing - NOT ONE SINGLE THING - that would more contribute to the encouragement of the Islamacist lunatic fringe - all over the world - than having the maniacal Iranians defy the rest of the world - the United nations, led by the US, China, and Russia - and continue on to a nuclear capability. And - to have the west do nothing - by backing down.


To me, anything other than decisively destroying Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions would be the gravest of errors - and would greatly increase the momentum and impunity of Islamacist aggression in every corner of the globe.


This is not just about the Middle East. This is about Islam wanting it all - and wanting all non-Muslims dead. This is not what all Muslims want - maybe not even what a majority wants - but this is what the emerging leadership of Islam wants - and that leadership will be emboldened dramatically if Iran goes nuclear.


I mean - look at the record of where Islam has recently tried to bully the local inhabitants - train bombings in Spain, transit bombings in UK, firestorm riots in France, beach violence in Australia, resort bombings in Indonesia, embassy burnings and sackings, political assasinatuons in Holland - look at what is going on in Thailand: Ethnic Cleansing. Nothing less.


The strategy in Thailand is diabolical - is is focused on driving all Buddhist students out of schools - by making schools too dangerous - for students, for teachers, for adminstrators. GO LOOK AT THE PATTERN - they are attacking teachers. Why? Because of the ethnic cleansing strategy: We will drive all the Buddhists with children out of our provinces - because parents will be too afraid to send their children to the schools that we continually attack. W know that the parents will not allow their children to grow up uneducated - so parents with school-age children will have to move away. And - after a generation of school attacks and misery for the last Buddhist parent hold-outs, we will win. Because all families with children will have moved away, and all families without children will simply die out - and we will have provinces that are ethnically cleansed of those nasty, bullying Buddhists.


Are these the kind of people that you want to have running the world?


I suspect that it will be interesting to look back on this decade from the vantage point of 25 years from now. I suspect that when that time comes, the overriding sentiment of surviving western governments will be: why did our forebearers not prevent this lunatic religion from growing so powerful that it could threaten our existence - back when our forerunners had a chance?


Personally, my own attitude has been ENORMOUSLY changed since I spent time in Egypt and Morocco back in 1991-1992. In those days, I was very respectful toward Islam, and very open-minded. And - as a former soldier - I remember watching the videos of Albanian Muslim men (Croats?) - dressed in nice street clothes, and looking like any other European workers - being marched off into the woods by uniformed men (Serbs?) - to be lined up and shot. I remember the outrage I felt, and my conviction that such military murderers should be tracked down and punished.


Now, 15 years later, I look back on those videos and think - Hmmm, maybe those soldiers were just more enlighted than I was - and they knew that the future survival of their culture 100 years down the road necessitated the summary elimination of a cancer within their midst.


Never would I EVER have been able to believe that I could -myself - become a proponent of genocide. But - I regret to say - that is the direction I am moving - purely to protect the survival of future generations of non-Muslims.


Allowing Iran to achieve nuclear weapons capability is equivalent to going to an asylum for the criminally insane, selecting out the most violent psychopath in the institution, and giving him the "keys to the city" - including life or death decision making capability over everyone in the city.


I cannot possibly believe that the rational world leadership will ever allow such lunacy to previal. So - it is now just question of who, how, and when the hammer falls on Iran. I, for one, will heave a sigh of relief when that hammer falls - even as I will honor the fallen warriors of the nations that carry out the operations - because I know that it will be at great cost.



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