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Paying in kind


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Originally posted by SOONGMAK:

I happened to meet Ranma500 in Woodstock about half a year ago and he is one of the most caring and kind person I have come across in a long, long time. He is one of the very, very few people that I know on this board who go out of their way to help people in need.

Something I wouldnot dare to say about you, so back off, please!

Well not having had the pleasure of meeting Ranma I can only go by what he has written in this thread. A very caring and kind person you say? Maybe to you but not to the TG he has just spent a week or two with.

Are you telling me he runs such a tight budget he can't manage to squeeze a 1000 baht out on their last night togeather? Are you telling me he is so poor he can't pay her £16 (US$22) and he takes a freebie off her? A girl who probably earns about one fiftieth of his earnings. Also he admits to doing it on more than one occassion!

Kind and caring - bullshit. Anyway, I will let you girls get on with bitching about how you can get away with paying as little as possible to those TGs who are so lucky to be with you Mr Nice Guys and get their food and bus rides paid for.

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God, well said. If I hired a girl and she gave me 9 heavenly days and said forget about paying me for the last seven and lived in a mud hut with no bed before I bought her one there's no way I would accept her offer. A guy that would take advantage of her position doesn't have a heart or soul. She's seems like someone who has a hard time receiving what she gives in return and it's no wonder she's living in a mud hut and didn't even have a bed to sleep in.

It seems so strange the difference when it's one of the guys that ends up getting short changed. Everyone starts beating bargirls into the ground in general about how untrustworthy and on the take they are. Guys even complain bitterly about being hit up too many times for ladydrinks by these girls. I think a guy that would take a freebie from a bargirl is the scum of the earth even if she offers it. They have a hard enough life the way it is.

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Originally posted by dardar37:

It seems so strange the difference when it's one of the guys that ends up getting short changed. Everyone starts beating bargirls into the ground in general about how untrustworthy and on the take they are. Guys even complain bitterly about being hit up too many times for ladydrinks by these girls. I think a guy that would take a freebie from a bargirl is the scum of the earth even if she offers it. They have a hard enough life the way it is.

I agree that bargirls get overly bashed. But, this 'they have a hard enough life as it is' stuff.... reminds me of a conversation I had with a canadian woman in a Chiang Mai beer bar. She was saying how she felt sorry the girls that worked in the bar, how they had to sell themselves for money. I explained to her that most Thai women in similar situations choose NOT to sell themselves. Hell, most women on the planet in similar situations choose not to, but Thailand is somewhat unique in that there are fewer social barriers for many women to become prostitutes. I asked her who she felt more sorry for? The ones that choose to be good and get by on very little, or the girls that sleep with farangs, most of which make signifigantly more money. She didn't answer, but I feel more sorry for the good girls. But then I see prostitution as a legitimate profession, and those who choose it not more worthy of sympathy than anyone else, especially when they are comparitively better off. Bar girls are 'working' for a reason - they make more money, often a lot more, than they could with their other options. To imply that bargirls in general are the most destitute and desparate in thailand is just flat out inaccurate. Often they come from hard lives, but it is in prostitution (or in farang/$/thai relationships of various types) that they are offered escape. And often it's not even out of need, but just want. Desire for a motorbike, TV, mobile phone, whatever. An easier, more prosperous life.

I had a conversation with a bargirl I spent a week with. We were surronded by almost all Thais at a beach and I asked her how she felt being seen with a farang. She said "I don't care what they think. They don't give me money. They think I'm low. But they are jealous, because I make more money than them." I think this sums it up pretty well. And this was just a run of the mill Pattaya bar girl.

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God, maybe if it's such a good life you should send your daughters over there to work the bars. I mean do you really believe what you're saying?

Is that why I hear guys say that a lot of these girls come with pretty heavy baggage and not to have real relationships with them because of that? Discussions about how many are self destructive and use drugs and have low self esteem.

Is that why a lot of guys say don't get ones that have been around too long because they become hardened after awhile? What about the fact that some get Aids and other awful things or have to have abortions.

Plus, you think the girls are going to complain about all these things when they're getting paid to give the guy a good time?

The only thing I was saying all along was that if you hire one of these girls you should at least pay them. Having such a problem getting that minor point across makes me think that undernealth the behavior of not paying these girls is an additude that these girls are just whores and so are completely worthless even their need to survive. Now I know I'm going to hear about how rich they are and that they don't need the money.

I'm beginning to change my whole feeling about something I used to think was completely harmless. I used to think no one really got hurt. I don't think that anymore at all.

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I think this discussion has gone on long enough. It does not look like either parties will give in, and I also believe that this entire discussion is pointless since we don't know what the girl was thinking. We lack a lot of the information.

The prostitute/customer - boyfriend/girlfriend line is very blurred in Thailand and just about every shade between a 30-minute shorttime between strangers and a real relationship ending in marriage is possible.

So, how about we let this discussion end before it turns really nasty?


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Originally posted by Ultraviolet:

Are you telling me he runs such a tight budget he can't manage to squeeze a 1000 baht out on their last night togeather? Are you telling me he is so poor he can't pay her £16 (US$22) and he takes a freebie off her? A girl who probably earns about one fiftieth of his earnings. Also he admits to doing it on more than one occassion!

Kind and caring - bullshit.


These are all just your assumptions. If you would have made any factual statement, we could have had a discussion about something. You seriously need to improve your debating tactics.



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Originally posted by Khun Sanuk:

I think this discussion has gone on long enough. It does not look like either parties will give in, and I also believe that this entire discussion is pointless since we don't know what the girl was thinking. We lack a lot of the information.

Yeah. The problem with discussions like this is that often all parties are partly correct and often aren't really talking about the same thing. There are all kind of men and women in thailand, good or bad, greedy or giving, hard-core-sex-worker to 'normal' girls. And all kinds of farang too. I loathe the 'bad' ones on both sides. And they have many different kinds of relationships. People do get ripped of and hurt, but for the most part all parties benefit, IMO.

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As I was the originater of the post let me try to fill in a few gaps.

The relationship started as a normal farange/hooker type deal.Ater some time had passed things started to become emotional on both parts.Not even Meryl Streep could have acted as well as she did if it were a false pretence.As the time approached for me to return to the U.K there were many tears on both sides.If I had some money left to give her I would have done so.On the last couple of days of my trip I advised her that my funds were running low.She was not deterred by this.When I left her for the last time(hopefully tempererily)all I had left on me was my departure tax and enough for a can of coke and a sandwich.I could not give her any more,I was broke apart from drawing cash on my visa.This was where I had drawn the line.

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Originally posted by rusty:

The relationship started as a normal farange/hooker type deal.Ater some time had passed things started to become emotional on both parts.Not even Meryl Streep could have acted as well as she did if it were a false pretence.As the time approached for me to return to the U.K there were many tears on both sides.

Hi Rusty,

This was your first time in Thailand, yes?

Don't underestimate TGs, Meryl Streep has no chance in matching the acting capabilities of many TG!! Don't get me wrong though, I am not knocking them and that doesn't mean you shouldn't pay them. They do a job which they are very good at. Just retain a little healthy scepticism regarding how true their feelings are.

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