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Did your relationship go to crap after LOS?


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"I have a theory that 'Hotel California' is actually about LOS. Think about it.


'You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave'"




It most certainly is. I love that record, not just because its a great song but because I hear in Thailand in the bars and the lyrics seem to suit the place perfectly.

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I had decided to get a farang girfriend since my last trip to LOS (12/01) because it may be a while before I go back and I thought it would help with the Thai Flu/Bangkok Blues and I thought I'd give the western world one last shot. My search was on my own walking around and one of those internet personal sites.


Maybe its me, and I can't rule that out, but I will defnitely NOT end up with a western woman if I do decide to settle down. I've went out with a variety of women (ethnically) and it doesn't matter. Its just varying degrees of things that I can't deal with.


It could be me. Maybe I don't give them a chance, maybe they simply can't live up to what I get in LOS. I knew they couldn't and accuonted for that. I didn't expect to hear 'up to you' but when they say its the 'me generation'. Believe them! You're either paying for the sins of the guy that broke their heart or paying period.




The search continues.......

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"It could be me. Maybe I don't give them a chance, maybe they simply can't live up to what I get in LOS. I knew they couldn't and accuonted for that. I didn't expect to hear 'up to you' but when they say its the 'me generation'. Believe them! You're either paying for the sins of the guy that broke their heart or paying period.




The search continues......."




Do you enter the new encounter with optimism or with the attitude that it is only a matter of time before she screws up?

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Food for thought, JJSushi. I try to be as objective as possible about myself as one can be. I would say I am an eternal optimist. I have lowered some standards (looks, body, mostly physical) and toughened others (attitude, personality).


They'll break the toughened standards first. Blame LOS on that. I just ask them to be reciprocal, understanding and not self indulgent. Is that too much to ask?




.......Oh I forgot, and be 3 input, bi and able to cook my favourite meal. But it couldn't be that could it? (lol)

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Are you kidding?! My good looks, charm and wit. No seriously, I am a romantic at heart. If I like a woman, her dreams become mine. Basically, I don't mind helping her achieve her goals (within reason). Plus, I think I am a nice guy, jai dee. I give a helluva massage and will even pick up the tab once in a while.




Just so happens I met a girl a few days ago. A 'massage therapist'. Yeah, that's what I thought too. But she spent time in Osaka teaching English and in Bangkok learning traditional thai massage. Hmmm, maybe she really IS a massage therapist. Of course I lied through my teeth why I was in Thailand. But we seem to click.




What can make me quit the relationship? If she starts projecting all her exes past faults on to me. If her idea of stimulating conversation is the construction on Overland Blvd slowing her commute and if all she talks about is herself and if she acts like minor everyday problems we all face are gargantuan life trials and she needs a therapist to deal with it . Most of all, if she is not genuinely kind and a nice person. Just give me a nice person, who's not wrapped in themselves. (slight bitchiness if she is 3 input and it would seal the deal, it really would!!)




I'll promise not to cheat (for at least 6 mos. to a year or my next trip to LOS, whichever comes first). I won't go to sleep right after sex. I'll cuddle. I'll listen to her (or act like it). And we'll actually go out to a movie or nice dinner or a club often enough to stave off any complaints that our social life is nothing but Blockbuster nights.





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