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Revenge on BG


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The problem comes, when women step over the "50-50" line, and want 100% of the control in the house. I do think men have lost a lot of their rights in terms of family/custody and alimony etc...Motherhood is presented as something to be hailed, but fatherhood is often trivialized...at least in the USA it seems.


And yes, between sociatey, and the leagal system, men have allowed themselves to become pussywhipped, and to be abused in relationships many times over...women wanted equally, so they claimed, but they often do not want the responsibility that comes with it.


Couple gets divorced, the man pays alimony, and all claim she "earned it because (fill in a reason)..." yet, if a couple divorces, and a woman has to pay alimony, everyone yells and says "why can't the bum get a job...?" double standard for sure...


So this is what I have in mind, when I say we need to be allowed to be men again, and that we should fight back. As for raising kids, as I said a real man will do right by his kids, even if the marrage fails. ANy guy who gets drunk and does as you described, is not a real man in my book.



Oh, you are part of a generation that has perhaps done more than any other generation to improve and exemplify the rights that women have deserved for thousands of years. Whilst you may be rebelling against that, it's obviously true that this change has been inexorable, despite your protests.


The 'old' part of your username maybe accurate, but the 'hippie' part is entirely a decoy. No hippie, from whatever fucking generation ever decided to hate women. Please enlighten me if this wasn't the case in such a 'free loving' society.


Whilst I appreciate you may consider yourself part of the 'old guard', I make no error by telling you that I have no reservation in telling you that I consider your views repugnant. If not a little disturbing to tell the truth.



To the OP:


Revenge on a bar girl is so pathetic. If you were so fucking stupid as to be scammed by a bar girl,, or whatever, then as far as I'm concerned your money has gone to a better place.


It never fails to surprise me the way guys get scammed. You're holding all the fucking cards at the outset for christ's sake! You can only blame yourself.


Revenge in this case is pathetic, and cowardly seeing as you held all the cards but refused to look at them. Now you've got your big UK citizenship to wave about, like a useless dick.


You want to make sure she can never leave her country for greener pastures. This just makes me extremely ill.


I don't give a rat's arse what she did to you. It just seems so petty whatever it is you might be planning, exactly what a very little cowardly man would do.


Be a big man is my advise. Take the hits on the chin, don't look back, but be wiser for it. Be a big man.

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