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Pattaya VS Bangkok


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Hi eee,


Yes the british hooligan hunts in packs...it's animal type behaviour, because that's the level they operate on...and racism has often been associated with stupidity and ignorance...there are sadly many people like that in england,


I think we can all agree that germany and england provide the biggest portion of human scum bags world wide! Well and Texas in some particular cases ;)


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I'm a brit...and i have to say i'm embarassed by our behaviour and image abroad. For a long time now there has been the 'beer lads' culture...magazines such as FHM and newspapers such as 'the sun' (in lower case on purpose) actively support and encourage this group to exist and perpetuate. It's their readers after all.


Tatoos and piercings have been 'fashionable' for some time now...in the popular culture (read, lowest common denominator') because many celebs have them...people such as David Beckham are partly to blame. The wannabes, want to be like their icons....ironically Mr Beckham is celebrated, but he is a classic 'pop culture' icon, who is not very intelligent, not particularly skilled at anything, but a lot of ladies wanted to shag him, so he became an image others wished to emulate...classic brit icon, stupid, ignorant, all image, no depth, nothing of value to contribute etc. but people can relate to him, as he doesn't require thought, he's just visual stimulus...no conflict or cognitive processing required.


Britain has a lot of problems, a lot of unhappy angry people doing very little of worth. They get enough money to go on holiday and bring their anger and stupidity/ignorance with them...the short term fix works for them, as they dont have the intelligence to see long term or any 'bigger picture'....give the people want they think they want!!! It works every time. As someone who worked with people, i had the fortune to meet thousands of people and really see into the underbelly of British society and it is not nice...you get the low class types here as it's their one chance a year to go abroad, they choose Thailand as it has the image of cheapness and a lot of women who will shag you. This is not going to change....a lot of these people used to go to Spain years back...they are all lower class physical labour types...very few have a good education and are aware of anything going on around them. I know....i used to work with them....they universally have poor relationships, produce children who are the same as them and the cycle goes on and on....they do not possess an ounce of understanding and have no intention of bettering themselves, as that would mean they would have to be aware that there is a 'better' to aim for and they don't. Society needs such types to perform many duties, manufacture goods, build and produce.


There is a lot more to this, but i'm not writing a thesis, so i'll leave it at that...


I hate it....but there is nothing that can be done...i stay the hell away from the places they frequent, i don't interact with them and never will.



Fuck me. What a bloody honest post to write about you're own country! Hats off to you!



But as an Aussie, (and no, our behaviour is sometimes pretty ordinary too), maybe you can answer something for me...


When in Pattaya I see groups of the Brits you describe - shaved heads, football shirts (if wearing shirts at all), signet rings, lots of tatts etc. etc. They look like clones of each other. What is it that makes these people so aggressive? And why do most guys who come to Thailand from the UK seem to come from the north of the country?


I don't know what goes on in the northern part of the UK, but there's some really agro people from that part of the world.


(Having said that, my best mate's a fucking gem and hes from the north).



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answer something for me...


When in Pattaya I see groups of the Brits you describe - shaved heads, football shirts (if wearing shirts at all), signet rings, lots of tatts etc. etc. They look like clones of each other. What is it that makes these people so aggressive? And why do most guys who come to Thailand from the UK seem to come from the north of the country?


My best guess:

No or not too much sun at home in England, when they come to thailand they are overheated! England is famous for many things but not their beutiful girls, i mean lets be honest, the average english female looks like a buffalo with a greasy forehead! Only the irish girls are looking worse!


To sum it up, especially those Manchester guys are usually lower class workers (if employeed) coming from a grey city with no sun, and in los they get sun burn on the airplane already, so many colours, so many neon lights and all these hot babes. I am sure their brain is not able to handle all these new informations so they start drinking to forget!


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just saw a very stupid and pseudo funny DVD BEERFEST

it is about a beer drinking contest! In the first round the enlgish vs usa!


The english are shouting something in brit slang to the americans and the americans say "what he say?, what? I dont understand him" :)


thats how i feel when I am sorrounded by these blokes!


Yesterday was the first time ever that I was tempted to break someones nose! 3 shaved head brist sitting next to me, inhaling (not drinking) beer on the stage at living dolls 2. The guy next to me was trying to spill beer on one of the show girls, then they were yelling, "pooooseyyy, show mei pooooseyyyy", not enough, he always stood up and his chair was crashing on my leg, after the 3rd time I told him politely to be careful with the chair, i looked in his dumb dead eyes and he said, "ALRIGHT MATE" he jumped up again to scream "pooooseyyy" spilled my johnny red. I asked him less politely "hey have you noticed that you spilled my drink?" again i looked in his dead dumb eyes and he said "methinks this fella has a problem witn me" (activated his 2 friends) I told them "buy me a new drink and there wont be a problem for you" he answered "you'll show me your poooooseyy when i buy you a drink?" I told him "replace my drink and and enjoy the show" In the meantime mamasan has activated the manager and the security guy and went in between! She replaced my drink (what a dear) and asked the 3 blokes to leave!


Haha they could barely walk and it was pooring outside :)

Som Nam Na!

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Guest lazyphil

Whilst I cant argue for one moment your appraisal of brit thug culture (its very grim and depressing), keep in mind when they arrive in los they're lambs to the slaughter in a country with a far more ferocious and violent thug culture, its only the fact that thai guys generally speaking dont sport an image to deliberately display their violent intentions and/or whims......problems with farangs in los IME are the aussie in samui who got a beating from some thai guys (police he said) and demanded my camara to take pix of the perps as evidence against them :confused: and got all balshy when i politely said â??no its a bad idea they might smash it to bitsâ?? then the german who befriended me in patong and borrowed 10kB off me only not to pay it, however, i kept his passport as a form of security on my loan which was 4 months over his visa, to cut a long story short he ended up in patong jail with several thai hoteliers chasing him for unpayed bills.....he was very smartly dressed and had a full head of hair and no tatts :smirk:

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And why do most guys who come to Thailand from the UK seem to come from the north of the country?


I don't know what goes on in the northern part of the UK, but there's some really agro people from that part of the world.



Yeah, you should see those northern monkeys in The Dogs Bollocks.


Jog on. :mad:


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I would agree that here in the UK we do have a problem with the thuggish, drunken louts you are referring to. Just go out in any large UK town on a Friday or Saturday night and witness the mindless violence that takes place when the bars shut shop. I hate it and rarely go out to the bars in the UK on a weekend now. I'd much rather share a bottle of wine or two with some like minded friends at home.


Sadly I think many of these people are cottoning on to Thailand and they now look forward to their once a year week holiday of going absolutely mad in Thailand...


I'm from the north of England though and I can assure you that not everyone behaves as they do!


Although I have seen quite a few of these characters on the flight over from the UK to Thailand behaving like animals I have seen little evidence of them in BKK which is where I have spent most of my time in LOS. I suspect that they mostly head straight down to Pattaya?


The very worst falang behaviour I have seen in BKK though has been from Aussie guys. An Aussie guy I met a while back left such a trail of devestation behind him I was genuainely scared for his own safety after I left. He got in a fight on his first night out on Soi Cowboy. A fight for f***s sake! On Soi Cowboy of all places. I reckon I could spend every night of my life on there and not manage to get in a fight.


Another night, after we had been out with him in Sukhumvit he took a girl back to the apartment complex we both lived in. When he got a bit rough with her she got scared and wanted to leave. He chucked her out without even a baht for a taxi. She turned up at the room I shared with my GF in floods of tears and we had to bung her some baht so that she could get home.


He truly was very very bad news. I reckon that if he had spent much more time in LOS then he would have had a most unpleasent encounter with a mortorbike taxi driver before too long.


So, yes, we do have our share of not so nice characters here in the UK and now sadly in Thailand too. It is not just a UK problem though!



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