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DVD/CD Sniffer Dogs at USA Airports!


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ok, Illeagal allian sniffing dogs will work! The government could stop them, they just don't want to...

ohhhh....sorry, we can't "profile", not politically correct :rolleyes:


Also, must make sure that PETA oversees the care provided to the dogs, can't have the dog working long hours or anything like that.


There must be some more reasons to make a simple task more difficult.

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Back in the 1980s, when everyone still played audio tapes, you could find anything you wanted in Bangkok for 25 or 30 baht. Then the big pop stars began bitching about not getting their royalties. Uncle Sam pressured the Thai government to put an end to the piracy. As a result, music tapes suddenly went to 150 baht and up.


Then what happened? Well, since the minimum wage was about 45 baht a day, Thais couldn't afford to buy tapes anymore. Suddenly, no one had any new music to listen to ... and the effing millionaire pop singers still weren't getting any royalties.



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Cry me a river! I work for a major airline, my salary has gone down! Cut drastically, lost pension and some medical... I now make $2/hr more than I did 10 years ago. Many of our jobs get outsourced, some off shore, NOT because Americans won't work for the low wages, but because the upper management wants it as cheap as possible, so as to line their pockets, it is called greed!


As far as I can see, Americans will not work for low wages. They would rather collect welfare and unemployment and supplement their income by taking one of the jobs illegals take (known as 'working under the table'). If 'working under the table' can be done away with, the illegal problem would go away.

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Yes, you are right. But the under the table jobs will always exist. As has been noted, the problem with welfarwe here in many places is, if you work 40 hours, or earn over minimum wage, then you lose any and ALL subsidies.


Hence, it is better to stay on welfare and have medical (crap, but you have it) prescriptions, food stamps, free rent, and some pocket money(small amout)...the trouble is wages that don't pay enough to cover the very basic of costs...people who are willing to live in poverty, 20 to a house (no exageration) eating crap food, because to them it is better than what they had, hence the trip north to illeagally take a job at these piss poor wages, are pretty much the cause of the problem, along with a crap welfare system.

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