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Thieving Fuel Companies


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Bare with me on this one but I get extremely angry about this. Here in Oz some of the bigger fuel companies have a joint offer with some of the major retail companies. It's pretty simple spend $x on groceries or household items, clothes etc. in a particular store and you get a discount fuel voucher. The basic is 4 cents per litre. It's not much but it does add up especially if like me I spend sometimes $1200 a month on fuel. Which is why I sold the Disco. I now have a German 4 door sedan than runs best on hi-octane fuel as recommened by the manufacturer. Now because it's Christmas the amount of discount vouchers handed out increases enormously so what do the fuel companies do.......stop delivering all but standard unleaded fuel. Why? Because it costs them more to produce the cleaner hi-octane fuel. Even though it is more expensive to buy, the profit margin is far less. One fuel station operator told me xxxxx oil company will not deliver anything but the crap fuel until 17 january. He also tells me there is a huge amount of fuel discount dockets circulating that expire on the 15th january. :cussing::cussing::cussing: This only happening here?

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Son nom nar Bust, you let the fucking capitalists suck you in with there trashy vouchers which make you patronise their gas stations then you go all 'up in arms' because they shaft you when the profit margin drops. It's like bending over to a nice lubricated cock all year then moaning because someone slips on a sandpaper condom. You're still getting shafted.

Son nom nar


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soom naam naa.......soom naam naa........I'll give you soom naam naa Julian :cussing: Seriously though it's not the money thing that bothers me (I accept this country sold out to capitalism) it's just the beema runs like shit on standard unleaded. Also I try to be a Ma & Pa shopper whenever I can.

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I'd always lose my dockets anyway bust, or go to the wrong gas station or they'd be out of date.

Got a Isuzu diesel up here and the price has dropped about 5 baht a litre recently, unlike holidays in Oz where they always put the price up.

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Well, figure consumers who do not shop at those stores are subsidizing those who do...all these "free" handout piss me off. The only thing they should work for is the specific product, nothing else. Buy gas, get a discount on gas, NOT hamburgers etc...this crap really fucked up the airline frequent flyer programs...

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I have been told by people who know about cars, gas and consumer shit, that the premium is the same gas as the regular, just oxygenated at the pump differently, or some such stuff...makes sense, as only one truck carrying 1 type of gas ever shoes up at the station...

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