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About time she had this done!

Guest baldrick

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>Hang on a second. Didn't the IRA stand up to the British army..


No, they did not actually. They were a bunch of cowardly murderers who hid behind a terrorised civilian population and used bombings, knee cappings, and ambushes to achieve their "objectives".


Most of the British Army people I know would have *loved* to have had the opportunity to take on the IRA if they ever stepped out from behind the women and kids....


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Josh, you're entitled to your opinion. I agree that many acts of the IRA could be considered criminal, and I didn't agree with all of their tactics (bombing civilian targets for example).


Having said that, they were the product of the British oppression of the Irish. The British army was protecting a corrupt, biggoted, apartheid state.


The British parasites bled the Irish dry for centuries, getting fat on our farm produce while the Irish starved and fled the country. They robbed us of our language in an attempt to destroy our culture.


Asking them politely to go away didn't work.

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good on her!


if theres a time we need a strong leader is now.....shame they used bronze and not iron!


Agreed, she' d have the muslim militants on the run and no liberal whiners would get in the way of a real crack down in the muslim communities.


Thatchers hard nose response to the IRA is why they've ultimately capitulated and given up the war, They have not achieved their aims and never will get a united ireland, job well done Maagie!


And as for the falklands, if you can't play with the big boys go and watch Sesame street.




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Sometimes I get the feeling that the main reason most Brits oppose a united Ireland is pure spite.


Maybe I'm wrong.


Perhaps Phil, Josh or Bkkbound can explain to me why they don't want to see a united Ireland? Is it a deep affinity with the people? Is it down to fear about what will become of your close brothers with whom you have so much in common, the Unionists? Come on what is it?

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>Perhaps Phil, Josh or Bkkbound can explain to me why they don't want to see a united Ireland?


Its a simple point. The majority of voters in the North of Ireland do not *want* unity with the south.


My personal feeling is that the whole of Ireland had (has) nothing worth the life of even one British serviceman.


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Well, then you'll join me in applauding their departure! :beer:


In the not too distant future, demographics and economics will most likely lead to a United Ireland.


The economy of the Republic is already way out-performing that of the six counties. Closer relations make sense. If they want to keep British citizenship/passports etc and consider themselves British, then I see no reason why the Unionists shouldn't.


As it is we may as well have a United Ireland. All the bank machines north of the border dispense British currency and Euro. There are no more check points. Trade is booming. All sides are trashing out their differences in a political forum. Sinn Fein is behind the police sevice. The IRA has handed in the weapons.


None of this would have happened if Maggie had her way. The spiteful cow! We'd still be in the shit because of that old hag. To hell with her!

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