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U.S. military buildup on Iran border


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He's (GWB) on a divine mission...god tells him to do this shit...so whatever he does, it's ok, as god has personally sanctioned it...


A lot of the background to all this crap is the 'end of the world' scenario, preordained...the Muslims want it, as they've been told they are going to win...the evangelical christians want it, as they are sure they are going to win...someone is of course wrong...


Really, there are some crazy fuckwits running around at the moment, in positions of power....on both sides....anything is possible...however, most of it is unlikely. Sabre rattling is just that...who will blink first?

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the shrub sat there for 7 minutes .. demonstrating his evangelical leadership, perhaps he was praying.

It just occurred bush would be good at meditation .. "empty your mind of thought ..ommmm"


the best thing to come out of bush is the derailing of the radical christian agenda, thank god he made us aware of that insane fringe element

re: rising from the dead .. it's songkran season not easter season


america bashing?

30% - 50% americans are f'in religious idiots .. kangaroos & polar bears from the mideast & the 8000' grand canyon formed by rising tides.


[color:red]"So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence.[/color]" - Bertrand Russell.


america bashing?

never forget: freedom fries. (that speaks to the idiocy of right wing nut americans as much as anything


america bashing?

bush is a retard supported by retards.

america bashing?

christian retards censoring science

america bashing?

retards lying when the truth stands in their way ..only retards lie when they will obviously be caught ..

america bashing?

christian retards with holding medical care to women

america bashing?

retards running rough shod over constitutional rights

america bashing?

retards firing any one whose truth stands in the way of their agenda.

america bashing?

yes, bush is a retard supported by retards.


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[color:red]"the shrub sat there for 7 minutes .. demonstrating his evangelical leadership, perhaps he was praying."[/color]


Noooo, he was waiting for nobody to see what he wanted to do. He desperatly wanted to use the crayons he had in his suit pocket. The crayons his mother gave him so he could color in the book.


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Of course not and not the 2nd either


8:55: President George W. Bush is at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida as part of a scheduled visit to promote education and the Bush administration education policies when Presidential Advisor Karl Rove informs him that a small twin-engine plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. The president speaks to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice at the White House; she reports that it was a commercial aircraft.


9:03:11: Flight 175 crashes at about 590 mph (950 km/h) into the south face of the South Tower, banked between floors 78 and 84. By this time, several media organizations are covering the first plane crashâ??millions see the impact live. Parts of the plane leave the building from its east and north sides, falling to the ground six blocks away. Some mistakenly believe that a second explosion has occurred in the North Tower due to the North Tower's obstruction of the South Tower from certain camera angles. They are unaware that a second plane has struck the South Tower. A massive evacuation begins in the South Tower below its impact zone. One of the stairwells in the South Tower remains unblocked from the top to the bottom of the tower, but is filled with smoke. This leads many people to mistakenly go upwards towards the roof for a rooftop rescue that never comes.


CNN's headline now reads "Second plane crashes into World Trade Center." The three major broadcast networks have interrupted their morning shows and are speculating on whether they are witnessing a terrorist attack or some sort of very rare accident.


9:03: President Bush enters a classroom as part of his school visit.


9:06: After brief introductions to the Booker elementary students, President Bush is about to begin reading The Pet Goat with the students when Chief of Staff Andrew Card interrupts to whisper to the president, "A second plane hit the other tower. America's being attacked." The president stated later that he decided to continue the lesson rather than alarm the students.


9:15 (approximately): President Bush leaves the classroom in which he has been reading with students, and enters another, commandeered by the Secret Service. It contains a telephone, a television showing the news coverage, and several senior staff members. The president speaks to Vice President Dick Cheney, Dr. Rice, New York Governor George Pataki, and FBI Director Robert Mueller, and prepares brief remarks



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which of my contentions are un-true?

often the truth hurts, the truth is never unfair bashing?


the raiders are a bad football team.


almost 1/2 as many killed by Bush as by Pol Pot.


more civilians have been killed by Americans in SE Asia than by Pol Pot.



union workers are unable to achieve on their personal merit.



the truth is only bashing to weaklings.

the truth inspires the strong.

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