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Michael Moore slices up US health system in new film


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I remember my dad in the 1990s getting a new pair of glasses. He saw the bill from his doc and asked what was going on. It read $360! The doc told him not to worry, he still paid only $60. But $360 was the bill that was sent to Medicare. Multiply that overcharge by a few million people, and you see where the money goes.





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Money is there for national healthcare but it is mismanaged. There are so many problems with the USA health system, it is difficult even to know where to start for reform.


So why would a national healthcare system work then?


I'm not against one, I just want to know why the people that advocate it think its feasible under the current state of government?

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"I'm not against one, I just want to know why the people that advocate it think its feasible under the current state of government?"


Our current health system in the USA is a total disaster. Actually, a nightmare. Something has got to be done but nothing is being done.


Last November I came down with a MRSA infection. It cleared up in February. Now it has returned but in more places. I can't get in to a specilist because they are not taking new patients. I can't go to the Emergency Room because it might take over 24 hours before I would be seen. My primary care provider (doctor) doesn't know what to do.

About 10 days ago, I went to Urgent Care and they put me on the same antibiotic but twice the strengh. It has helped, but has not cleared up the problem.

The shit kicker is, I have one of the better health insurances. Figure it out.



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Also sorry to hear that MM. Have you thought about seeking treatment overseas?


I don't have the answer as to what should be done about this kind of thing, but I do think that the 'people' need to become more active.


I think that problems like this often stem from the fact that the people who are supposed to be running the show, politicians, civil servants and so on, are not held to account.


People are passive these days, not just in the US, but in Europe too.


We pay our taxes, many people mark their ballots every 3-5 years, but that's about it. Think about it. We're handing over large chunks of hard earned cash to these people and not really giving a shit what's done with it.


That's why I think that Moore's documentaries ae worth something.


When he was doing "The Awful Truth" show, he was advocating direct action. There was a guy who needed a liver transplant, If I recall correctly. He was insured pretty comprehensively, but his insurance company referred to some small print in his policy and refused to cover his medical care.


Moore organized a funeral for the guy, and invited representatives from the insurance to come along. He kept hounding them and created so much bad publicity for the company that they relented, and covered his treatment.


The guy got his liver.


Moore basically saved his life.


If people would follow his example and get up off their asses in large numbers, we could solve a lot of problems.

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The solution would be a specialist. Problem being that many HMO's you need prior approval to go to one that they will cover expense on. Also, they have sometimes certain pools of doctors you need to use to be covered, many times these doctors are not the one you need that has the expertise to diagnose a stubborn disease and will know what the right meds are for this. And the biggest problem is getting the HMO cunts to agree to pay for a visit to a doctor outside their group. Sometimes time is of an essence. HMO's are usually not a timely beast to gain cooperation from. The system is extremely flawed. It's all about money and profit, rather than medical care and health.


There are many things our government could do, problem is the special interest groups and lobbyists making big money off the present system scream bloody blue murder and ensure the system remains in status quo. It's all about the money in an industry that should not be so much about that. It is about our health and medical care, not just another sandwich shop selling more burgers and making a profit.



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Remember the days when we paid our share of taxes so everyone had the right to free health and education. What happened? Don't know about other countries but the public health system here in Oz is pretty good. I would never join a private fund as they are only concerned about the bottom line for shareholders and not health. Private health is purely a business not a health system.

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"The solution would be a specialist. Problem being that many HMO's you need prior approval to go to one that they will cover expense on."


Doctor did refer me to a specialist. First they have to review my records to see if they will accept me. And if they accept me, about the earliest appointment I can get is in August.

You hit it on the head when you said it was all about money. Insurance is expensive but I get treated as if the cost is coming out of their pocket instead of mine.

I can see the day coming soon when somebody becomes a nutcase and goes in and shoots up a hospital. The way things work in the USA, it will take a few nut cases before anybody comes forth to try to make changes. As for Michael Moore, he seems to be the most vocal and civil as far as trying to address this issue.

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I guess I'm lucky. I cancelled my company's health insurance a couple of years ago in favor of my wife's. I can go directly to any specialist I want, provided they are on the list, and it's been great. I used to hate taking time off work to see my GP just to get a referral to a specialist. For example, I have frequent skin cancer issues, I know what they are and what they look like, but I had to see my GP to get a referral to see the dermatologist. Seems like a complete waste of every one's time and money.

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