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Third US carrier deployed to Persian Gulf


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I think GWB is crazy enough to want a war with Iran but he can't do it without Congress and that won't happen.

Just a show of strength by the administration but its a show I think. Logistically there just aren't the troops available and politically there is no popular support or the support of the Congress which has the purse strings and are the only body that can legally declare a war.

Saber rattling and last gasp histrionics methinks by a lame duck prez on the way out of office.

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I think GWB is crazy enough to want a war with Iran but he can't do it without Congress and that won't happen.

You have a lot of faith mate. BushCo has already flipped off Congress more times than I can count (the latest being the Cheney "I'm not answerable to anyone because the VP is a 'special' office!" nonsense) and I'll bet they use the Iraq war resolution to justify Iran in saying that Iran is causing the problems in Iraq and therefore they can do it.


Just watch. BushCo - as much as a coup in America as Sondhi's was in LoS.




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Well, some "experts" are saying The US just doesn't have enough ground troops to do this. Yes, we can launch a sea and air attack, but then what?


As for Bushco, he is out of control, and the Dems don't have the balls to stop him. The rest of the world would rather just bitch about the USA than do anything, and the American people are to scared/stupid to revolt as well...in short, we are all fucked.


I will point out, while the rest of the worldf didn't start this shit, it is in their best interests to help stop it...WAR CRIME TRIALS!!!

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You have a lot of faith mate. BushCo has already flipped off Congress more times than I can count (the latest being the Cheney "I'm not answerable to anyone because the VP is a 'special' office!" nonsense) and I'll bet they use the Iraq war resolution to justify Iran in saying that Iran is causing the problems in Iraq and therefore they can do it.



I hear ya about Cheney, that was screwy... But a VP saying his office is off limits (which won't stand up legally) is very different than invading a country. Where are they gonna get the money? They can't invade on IOUs and only congress can declare the war. Bush still had to get congress to authorize Afghanistan and Iraq remember. So he's gonna bypass the constitution openly? I completely understand the thinking that Bush and Company are cowboys but although he acts like a dictator at times, he isn't. There is NO WAY he can do it without Congress' say so, just like Afghanistan & Iraq.


He can cause some trouble though and possibly do a Gulf of Tomkin thing where he has 48 hours to act w/out Congress in 'times of emergency' and a lot of damage can be done in 48 hours (launching missiles and the like) but what happens after that? And the troops? He's gonna have to start pulling kids and old men off the streets like Hitler did to get any more troops.


His father has got to be thinking he's nuts as well or turning a blind eye possibly.

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Right now the strategy with Iran seems to be pressuring them with sanctions to make them stop enriching uranium. Covert ops too probably. I guess the hope is that the Iranians will turn on their government. The aircraft carriers are part of the pressure. Of course one of the carriers could hit a mine.

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cheney's & bolton's main concern is the zionist state & the countries that support the freedom fighters.


Bolton said he was "very worried" about the well-being of Israel. If he were in Israel's predicament, he said, "I'd be pushing the US very hard. I am pushing the US [administration] very hard, from the outside, in Washington."



sodomy insane's main crime was financial support for the suicide brigades.

& the danger Iran / Hamas poses is not to the US or Europe but to the zionists.


the US needs to re-install their benevolent Shah.


Hamas backing Syria now has purchased Russian fighters with 125 mile range missiles..

does the biblical bunch have the stomach for a relatively fair fight?

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