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House votes to ban harsh CIA methods


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The planes into the twin towers and the pentagon showed they DO have the power to do things of consequence.

Yes, and 3k people died and it was terrible. But put it in perspective. There were 28k deaths by firearms in 2004 -- where's the war on firearms? 43k deaths by motor vehicles...no war on cars.


If the "terraists" were *really* trying to do something, then we'd be seeing suicide (or not) bombs in shopping malls, etc cuz that's easy to do and hard to stop. Not one case at all, nor even any legitimate potential attacks stopped -- the ones they claimed to have stopped have been blown out of the water when tried and scrutinized. And what ever became of the domestic anthrax attacks? Weapons grade anthrax can not be hard to trace, but near impossible to get. Don't tell me you believe the cave-dwellers were to blame for that too?


And do not get me started on what may have *really* happened on 9/11. I do not know what or who did, but the official story is so full of holes it is pathetic. Why are they NOT telling us the truth? Or more to the point, what are they hiding???




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And many more people die from alcohol and tobacco. You're arguing raw numbers instead of the randomness of people killed by terrorists. You get last say as there is no need to even discuss the difference between a group trying to cause mass domestic deaths and gun crime if you are judging it solely on lives lost.


Also gun crime had a big head start on al Qaida. If terrorists get a dirty bomb we will see them take the lead.


And we do have a war on guns and gun ownership. Gun laws or laws restricting its use, type, ownership etc. have been going on for a few decades now if you haven't noticed.


As for as the war on cars, if you have noticed as well, there have been laws made about safety standards. Seat belts are mandatory, collision tests mandatory, drunk driving laws.


Everything that causes many deaths has and are being addressed with new laws and regulation. If you're waiting for them to put the word 'war on...' on it, you're avoiding the fact that its being dealt with in the same manner as if there is one, we just don't call it a war by name.

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If terrorists get a dirty bomb we will see them take the lead.

Well Steveo, you can choose to cower in the corner over nothing. I will not, and will strive to make the point that the whole ting is bullshit. Ya, it is a losing battle but it keeps me entertained.


BTW, all the science I've read says that the "dirty bomb" hysteria is also bullshit as that it would not do much damage outside of the blast itself (radiation does not work well that way). I can dig up details if you wish. Just like the liquids on airplanes scam -- it is just more fear-mongering to keep folks like you in their place.




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It doesn't have to be a dirty bomb, it can one of many ways. The point is obviously lost anyway as you avoided my addressing gun and auto deaths, and we're back to agree to disagreeing.


Very few Americans are 'cowering', including myself. Everyone has gone back to business as usual.



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