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Candid camera blocks border students

Calif. school district says it's enforcing residency rule, not citizenship


CALEXICO, Calif. - Children are more likely to shield their faces than to smile when Daniel Santillan points his camera.


Santillan's photos aren't for any picture album or yearbook â?? they help prove that Mexican youngsters are illegally attending public schools in this California border community.


With too many students and too few classrooms, Calexico school officials took the unusual step of hiring someone to photograph children and document the offenders. Santillan snaps pictures at the city's downtown border crossing and shares the images with school principals, who use them as evidence to kick out those living in Mexico...


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NO NO! Illegals have NO negative effect on the U.S.A. You are being emotional and racist!:)


You have it all wrong! We owe these kids an education, see they only take the classes American kids don't want to take...and they work so hard...and we would be lost with out them...etc etc...(fill in the usual PC crap)...


It is time to play hard ball with these fuckers!

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"The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled illegal immigrants have a right to an education"


How does a right to an education mean that they have to get this on the dime of the US taxpayers?


Totally weird that people who do not have a right to be in the country are allowed to attend schools paid for by the residents of the country.




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Whatever happened to the rule about living within a school district in order to go to school there?


e.g. My neighbour's daughter went for 3 years to the same high school. She was a cheerleader and took part in other school activities. Then the city changed the district boundaries and the neighbour's house was included in another district. The SOBs actually forced the gal to go to a different high school for her final year, away from all of her friends and with kids she didn't even know! Maybe she should have tried speaking Spanish.





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Guest lazyphil

can someone explain why all immigrants to america, i.e. italy, sweden, greece, armenia, russia, poland, ireland, iran etc etc speak english but latinos seem to insist on speaking spanish, weird. imagine the chaos if everyone insisted on speaking their mother tounge in america!!!

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"The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled illegal immigrants have a right to an education"


How does a right to an education mean that they have to get this on the dime of the US taxpayers?


Totally weird that people who do not have a right to be in the country are allowed to attend schools paid for by the residents of the country.





This is just the tip of the illegal immigrant debate/nightmare. Yet, despite facts, PC types will swear we have to foot the bill for them. Hell, even guys on this board have taken me/us to task, refusing to admit these people have an adverse effect on our society/economy. Of course, the PC will say "...that is their culture, we have to accept it..." to wit I reply "...fine in there country, here we have a different standard and expectation..."


By and large, this is a culture that does not stress education, it favors large families, both of which are just not good for the USA. The last thing we need is more uneducated people here.

can someone explain why all immigrants to america, i.e. italy, sweden, greece, armenia, russia, poland, ireland, iran etc etc speak english but latinos seem to insist on speaking spanish, weird. imagine the chaos if everyone insisted on speaking their mother tounge in america!!!


I have asked this very question, and been told "...why should we...?" or "...well, this all used to be Mexico anyway..." to wit I reply "...yes, but you lost it all fair and square, so you are the conquered people, deal with it and get with the program..." to wit they ALWAYS call me a racist.


I have also been told "...well, you need us here to do the jobs you guys won't do, so you should help us..." or "...the government doesn't want to stop it..." which sadly might be true.


On my property tax bill I have to pay the LA school system every year. I DON"T HAVE KIDS :onfire: Nice to see my hard earned money going for future gang bangers :(


Bada :shakehead Bing



Don't worry, if the current trend continues, they will not ever graduate...of course many will be parents before they would finish school anyway...sad but true...now waiting for the first guy to call me a racist...

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My personal opinion is that the debate rages on but the war over immigration is already over. Its lost. Neither party will do anything of consequence. Small 'victories' here and in reality its over. For the most part, unchecked immigration across the southern border will continue. The Republicans won't take too strong of a stand for fear of being called racists. They will play to their constituents with laws and resolutions that mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. They will grant amnesty as always to the ones already here and make empty promises to stop future illegal immigration.


The Democrats see millions of potential new voters and will always stop any legislation deemed too strong and can play they 'see they are racists' card. They will come up with a 'kinder, gentler' version of what ever the Republicans propose to get the centrist vote.


Its done fellas. Learn spanish. I bought the Rosetta Stone cd rom for spanish a year ago and one of my New Year resolutions is to finish it. I know some span-glish as I grew up in a neighborhood that had a lot of latinos (mostly puerto rican, some dominicans---one of which married a cousin).


I know I sound like a defeatist and maybe I am. But all I can do is look at the facts and look at reality and I don't see any thing difinitive that changes anything. The mexican president doesn't even hide it any longer.



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