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Why would anyone support the GOP?


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He's a DINO (Democrat In Name Only) to a lot of Democrats I think.


Well, exactly, and therein lies the problem. If a candidate can't capture the Democratic nomination without embracing an anti-American worldview then the Democrats will not be entrusted by the American people with the Presidency. Bubba realized this back in the late 1980s which is why he and the DLC charted the centrist course they did. Amidst all of this "selected not elected" and "worst President ever" hysteria it seems that younger Democrats in particular have lost sight of the fact that Kerry, Gore, Dukakis, Mondale, McGovern, and Humphrey were all losers. Make that capital-L Losers.

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Doesn't both parties have the problem to some extent though? The fringe so to speak, of both parties block anyone closer to the middle. McCain is the exception of course but he had a tough fight and up to the end conservative talk radio, the fundamentalist ministers, etc. were fighting him publicly.


I'm extremely unhappy with both parties right now. I may 'throw my vote away' and vote Libertarian as well as I did in '04. I voted for Bush in '00 (please, only throw fresh fruit and veggies please :nahnah: ) and voted for Clinton in '96 (partly as a response because I felt the impeachment was illegal and the Republicans were arbitrarily reversing the will of the people who voted Clinton in).


However, I have huge problems with both parties. I like McCain and Obama for differing reasons but I've lost faith in the leadership in both parties. I know he's liked by Republicans but Bush, to me, has been a disaster. As a civil liberties guy, I'm vehementally opposed to the Patriots Act and at best our entry into Iraq was a colossal misreading of intelligence data and outright lying and worthy of impeachment at worst. That amongst a host of things I vowed not for any Republican in this election.

The Dems don't seem to have any backbone (had a mandate of sorts in '06 but too scared to take on what the electorate voted them in for and afraid of being labeled unpatriotic) and the Florida and Michigan primaries were the last straw for me almost. I don't see the problem. In my book if you knowingly break the rules you suffer the consequences. End of story. The fact they are even discussing anything other than not seating them tells me they have no integrity. The ones the voters in each state should be up in arms about are the leadership in their state who made the decision to buck the party. A national health plan scares the hell out of me. Not because its such a bad idea but with politicians being in the hands of special interest including the HMOs, I fear it will be the final nail in this economic coffin and we'll implode sooner rather than later. EVERY major national program the government has tried has failed miserably (Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare, welfare,).


Sorry, I'm frustrated and venting.

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Doesn't both parties have the problem to some extent though? The fringe so to speak, of both parties block anyone closer to the middle. McCain is the exception of course but he had a tough fight and up to the end conservative talk radio, the fundamentalist ministers, etc. were fighting him publicly.


McCain is an exception to your "rule" but then so is GWB to an only somewhat lesser extent (Medicare prescription drug benefit, campaign finance "reform", immigration "reform", education bill pork, transportation bill pork, farm bill pork, etc.) The conservative base of the Republican Party wants another Reagan but is being forced once again to settle for less. By contrast, the anti-American nut jobs of the left are poised to get pretty much their dream nominee with Obama. The leftists' problem is that Obama, an inexperienced leftist of questionable loyalty, will get walloped by McCain, an experienced centrist who unquestionably loves our United States of America. Patriotism counts in America, not least during wartime, and there is nobody in America who can imagine John McCain sitting still for one instant in the face of "God damn America" and "Ameri-k-k-k-a". The man, as hobbled as he is, would turn into a helicopter of fists and clear a path to the nearest exit, never to return. And that's the way it ought to be.

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I don't think GWB was an exception though since GWB was a self processed born again Christian so he appealed totally to the religious right and the social conservatives even though he had less experience in elective office than Obama. At the time my support of him was a lesser of two evils between him and Gore who I didn't trust at all and that Dubya seemed to have integrity and I was basing it on his faith. I also thought it was unfair he was labeled stupid because he didn't know who was the head of a minor -istan somewhere that I'd wager Clinton or Gore didn't know off hand as well.


I don't question the patriotism of any President. I may not agree with their programs but almost exclusively none has failed to respond to a clear and present danger to borrow Clavell's book title. I may sound naive but I think even the most liberal of any congressman would act I think if the chips are down. There are few if any congressmen I'd doubt wouldn't go to war if it was necessary.



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...respond to a clear and present danger to borrow Clavell's book title.


Which was borrowed from Oliver Wendall Holmes 90 years ago in a 1st Amendment case. :)


With respect to Congressmen/women voting to go to war, you are probably correct. But we all know all of them have their own criteria for "necessity" and decide for themselves how long that necessity lasts. I don't put any faith in a Congress running a war. It f-ed up VN and is determined to f-up this one too.


Just for the record, I'd like to see us get out of Iraq as soon as the Iraquis can assume control of their country and secure it's borders. Then redeploy some of our troops and finish off what's left of the taliban and OBL's followers. I wouldn't bother invading Iraq. 75% of the Iraqi people, according to polls, seem to want to come here to visit, go to school (bomb us?...LOL! I'd just use Iraq's nuclear facilities for bombing training if all other means fail.




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