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Sharia law SHOULD be used in Britain, says UK top judge


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Which is probably why two muslims might want to get married under sharia law, don't you think?


Well, sure. It is also why non-Muslims in a non-Muslim country might think that those who want a Muslim marriage should go to a Muslim country to get one.

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<< In his speech at an East London mosque, Lord Phillips signalled approval of sharia principles as long as punishments - and divorce rulings - complied with the law of the land. >>



No stoning? No beheading? No chopping of hands and feet? No "family honour" killings? Aw, shucks. Then what's the point of having Sharia?






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How and why? Expand on this comment please.


I think that it is a combination of things.


First' date=' the class system. Britain was never a land of [i'] e pluribus unum[/i] but rather was always led from the top. Classism, the aristocracy and the monarchy are discredited but have not been replaced by anything. As a result what had been a healthy and charming middle class skepticism is now mere cynicism.


Also there is the problem of nationalism within the UK. The K is less and less U.


Then there is the EU. Europe as a whole is a business enterprise and an utterly corrupt and inefficient one at that. It is nothing that anyone will ever truly believe in. Watch the Ray Charles video and ask yourself, will anyone ever sing that way about anything emanating from Brussels? Not bloody likely!


Immigration is a problem and Muslim immigration is a cancer. Islamism is not the main disease, but it is the opportunistic infection that will likely kill the patient whose immune system has been compromised.


And what is the disease? Socialism, of course. Britons are increasingly looking to the collective to provide for them while at the same time they disrespect and act to undermine the collective more and more. This is fast-wind suicide.


Balanced against all of this are no hopeful signs whatsoever. Britain is doomed.

0/10 for history Rog, Britain has been led by it's middle classes for a long time now. Name me the last Aristocratic leader in any field in the last 150 years? (Google away, you'll find one or two).

Churchill don't count his mother was American.


A very small minority of the Muslim immigrants have only been a problem since the right wing liberal Blair decided to get into bed with G W Bush. (If you have problems with the term right wing liberal I suggest you read up on the history of the British Labor Party... not to be done at night if you're prone to nightmares).


The British working man has long been the backbone of the country due to his willingness to die for it. At the moment there is a jobs crisis; not due to any Government policies but due to the advancement of technology and the willingness of big business to send jobs overseas if threatened with having to pay a livable wage.


When this is sorted out everything everything will fall into place and the immigrants will be absorbed as were the Romans, Angels, Saxons, Danes and Normans. The Poms will just be a little darker complexioned.

They'll look like Celts again.

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When this is sorted out everything everything will fall into place and the immigrants will be absorbed as were the Romans, Angels, Saxons, Danes and Normans. The Poms will just be a little darker complexioned.

They'll look like Celts again.


I don't think the Muslims will just assimilate like the others. They will always seek to be different. Some will assimilate, the same way some Jews have, but the Muslims will remain a vocal minority. Hopefully, a British Muslim culture of tolerant Islam will develop that abandons the less desirable aspects of the Muslim world.

As I see it, the bigger problem is the decline of white British society making it easier for more industrious and organised immigrant groups to become dominant and the fact they need those immigrants to keep the economy ticking over.

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Who gives a fuck what muslims want? especially when it is in a country NOT their own, and NOT a muslim country at that? Fuck these shit bags! If they want Sharia law, let them stay the fuck home in their ass backward country...oh wait, it sucks there, they have no what? FREEDOM! S o they leave, and then try and make the new country like the shit hole they left, why do other countries put up with this shit?

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Who gives a fuck what muslims want? especially when it is in a country NOT their own, and NOT a muslim country at that? Fuck these shit bags! If they want Sharia law, let them stay the fuck home in their ass backward country...oh wait, it sucks there, they have no what? FREEDOM! S o they leave, and then try and make the new country like the shit hole they left, why do other countries put up with this shit?


Dude! Substitute the words "Mexican" for "muslim" and "Mexican culture" for "Sharia law" and you are looking at California.


So why do we put up with this shit? Because leftist retards think that Western Culture is uniquely and irredeemably evil and therefore must be replaced with whatever alternative is available.


If you oppose Sharia, or Latin American style narco-corruption, then you must embrace post-Enlightenment liberal, Anglo-American free-market individualism. All the other trends are toward oblivion.

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