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U.S. Border Agents Can Now Detain Laptops For No Reason


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"...The best thing that could of happened for Government in the last 10 years was the twin towers horror. It scared people into allowing these covert organisation to gain more and more control over our daily lives,..."


Which is why many think the government was in on it.


These are the same nutters who believe Armstrong & co didnt land on the moon or that Elvis isnt dead (is he?)


Dig deep enough and you can always twist the facts to make good fiction, in some ways its good we have these doubters otherwise some of the greatest wrongs wouldnt of been righted.


They do lead us to question what we have been told.




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"...The best thing that could of happened for Government in the last 10 years was the twin towers horror. It scared people into allowing these covert organisation to gain more and more control over our daily lives,..."


Which is why many think the government was in on it.


The Patriot's Act is a thick document. The scary thing is that it had to have been pre-written and in the government waiting for the day to be used because it was introduced so quickly, and due to the size and scope it covered it would have been impossible for it to have been authored after 911.


The government was waiting for the opportunity to spring it on us. THAT scares me and the sad fact is a lot of politicians went along with it out of fear of being labled unpatriotic. People voted on it without even knowing what was in it. That is fact.


The fact is our government (and I suspect the UK and others are the same) thinks the average citizen knows nothing and can't be trusted with the various world and domestic issues.


Mark my words, the government will use these acts for non terroist related things. They have a history of it. RICO statutes were designed and intended for the mob and they have applied to corporations as well (it was used during the insider trading convictions in the '80s).


They are now applying homeland security and Patriot's Act regs to suspected tax evaders, drug dealers, etc. which you may not think is a bad thing until its you who are investigated.


England is putting together a national DNA database and we are now doing the same with newborns here.


Sad thing is its the Republicans here who are heading it all at the moment and they are supposed to be for small, non intrusive government but truth is both parties are guilty. In the '90s Clinton signed an act that basically gave corporations the ability to get private information on you without fear of being prosecute if its misused.


Who ever fights it is labeled a kook or they find something unsavory from his past that is usually unrelated to the subject at hand to discredit him.

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Check out: www.infowar.com

Alex Jones, Martial Law.

Quite an eye opener!


Loose Change, Final Cut, shows that the "story" the US gov is telling about 9/11 is all bull shit!

Many unanswered questions, like how can steel melt with just jet fuel burning? the temps are no where near hot enough!

How about all the explosions?

Why was *** all *** the metal from all the buildings that fell down quickly disposed of and *** none *** of the metal was allowed to be analyzed by FEMA or anyone? Maybe they might fins traces of thermite? which *** will *** melt steel.


Martial Law...video available on the internet, a real eye opener!

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Maybe I'm just too naive, but I am not a convert (yet) to the government induced 911 thingy. I just think there are too many people that have to be on it for it to be kept secret. It would need both parties. I can't see how only the Republicans could pull it off. But then again, I believe the government, or more specifically the Warren Commission withheld things about the JFK assassination.


That said, I do think there was something sinister about the aftermath. The government intruded on a lot of our civil liberties since then under the guise of protecting us.


Strange thing is I always saw the Republicans as the one that would be more inclined to guard against intrusions on civil liberties but now I see the Democrats as the least likely.

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"...The best thing that could of happened for Government in the last 10 years was the twin towers horror. It scared people into allowing these covert organisation to gain more and more control over our daily lives,..."


Which is why many think the government was in on it.


Well at least the CIA financed OBL, then it fired back, as usual, so don't tell me they were not expecting (even call it planning) something like that :shhh:


I have made over 30 trips from Europe to the USA.

I also once was offered a job at Atlanta company headquarters, but declined for a lot of reasons, mainly disliking American way of thinking, lack of quality in products, childish marketing strategies (our president some day last century decided to rename our product line with "Artificial Intelligence" on everything). Even today there still is not much of Artificial Intelligence out there.


That Orwellian society is no longer on my visit list, won't travel ever again to the land of Freedom :thumbdown:

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