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If you take antibiotics and stop before you are suppose, all you have done is killed the weak bacterias and left the stronger ones to multiply.


You may have a resistant strain that is not completely eliminated by the antibiotics you took. This is one reason people were urging you to see a doctor and not self diagnose and self treat.


OK don't worry, I'll be continuing to take antibiotics for awhile. The one good point made by some of those guys I reacted to, which I should have acknowledged, is that they're right about the wisdom of going to a doctor. Reading what I wrote above, maybe I did overreact a bit to the parts I was interpreting as slams.


Just out of curiosity, if I did go to a doctor, how would they determine what it was exactly?


I remember when I went to a doc in the US years back, he just asked a few questoins and prescribed... I think it was tetracycline. Fuzzy memory, sorry. Pretty sure that was it because I remember thinking how strange it seemed that it was the same med I'd had prescribed for acne years earlier. And he said it was gonnorhea. But he didn't take a blood or urine sample. How is it done in Thailand these days? Do they check carefully to make sure what it is?


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