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UK to adopt euro...Damn Brits


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I know when all this shit started. When pubs got obsessed with selling food, that's when.


It used to be a stale corned beef sarnie on the bar under a plastic cover, a bag of crisps, pork scratchings or salted peanuts.


Then came Chicken in a basket, Steak Canadian..


Then came menus.


A pub should be a pub, not a fucking restaurant.


"Oooh, we know a nice little pub where we go for our nice little fucking meal with our little screaming bastard fucking kids." FUCK OFF!


Take your kids and your 'just the one 'cos I'm driving' and your smoking bans and your 'mind your language, please' and just FUCK OFF.


Anyone down Rayong way, feel free to pop in, drink beer in copious quantities, get pissed talk about anything you like under the sun with as much profanity as you like, smoke like a fucking chimney and have a craic.


But. Feed. Yourself. First.


(And don't bring children. I fucking hate them.)




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Chelseafan, do you know many Brits in favor of the euro???


I know that more and more Irish now are happy to be part of EU and wish to say "yes" if there is a next referendum...-> crisis help people make up their minds I guess.



I couldnt give you %ages but I would hazphard a guess that the vast majority are against it, not for any particular reason you understand - Its the fact we're British and we are very reistant to change....Once we've been switched I am sure we'll probably have the same type of view as the Irish.



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...those anti-smokers who cried out in delight at being able to leave a pub without their clothes stinking now realise that the smell of beer-stained carpets and body odour are just as much a turnoff...

555555555555 We were just discussing this last week after a visit to Cowboy. We all commented that a majority of the bars reeked badly of stale beer and cat piss. Then someone brought up that exact point: the smoking ban was the cause!




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The alternative is a lot better than the morons we have now.


You most have missed the thatcher era, or have you still have got your blinkers on. What about the riots in London as a result of the outrageously unfair poll tax, Riots in the coalfields, huge swathes of industry closed down, 15% interest rates, 5 million unemployed, youth unemployment at shameful levels, prominent members of the thatcher government jailed, the list goes on and on. In the present economic difficulties, camerons answer is to do what? I'll tell you, NOTHING. I've lived through two conservative governments, and they were both awful. I'm not a fan of gordon brown, but in the present situation I'm glad he's the pm. Before anyone mentions it, I've never been down a pit in my life, I'm a professional person, and have run my own business for most of my working life, and have never been a member of a trade union.

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A lot of that was in herited from labour who pratically bankrupted the country and were at the whims of the trade unions...If anything it was the Tories who set the road straight through years of steady spending. Thatcher broke the unions who were holding us to ransom, introduced the right-to-buy housing, won the falklands war, stuck two-fingers up at europe and others...I am not a fan of either the tories or labour and yes I agree Brown is probably the best person to get us through this mess, however as a chancellor it was his grandois spending and bad fiscal policies that (partially) got us in this mess, he is also a unelected prime mininster which really fucks me off.



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Thatcher annihilated a third of the manufacturing base of the UK during her first term in office, it has never recovered. She crippled the NHS, education and such minor things as the train network, reducing spending and failing to invest at a time when it was most needed. Labour, despite its considerable faults, has spent much of the time reversing the damage, although the deficit was so considerable in some areas it has been extremely difficult.


I don't like Labour, mainly as they are ineffectual in many areas, such as the festering problem of europe, where indecision has cost the UK greatly and the continual sucking up to the Bush administration, which was also useless.


Thatcher won the Falklands war. What a joke. Not an achievement really, more what any prime minster would've done and against a poorly equipped opponent...

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