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Couple: We didn't notice $175,000 bank error


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"I'd say it is theft, since they knew it wasn't supposed to be there."


I think this is a much greyer area. What if someone throws a bag with 100K Baht into my yard? I know it isn't mine, but on the other hand it is on *my* property and I didn't ask for it. Would using that be theft?


I agree that they should give the money back, but find pressing criminal charges a bit much.




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I cant believe that these people were so dumb that they were prepared to quit their jobs, but not prepared to get out of the country ? 175K probably wouldnt go far in Canada, and its not the fortune it once was in most of Asia, but wouldnt you be worried about it catching up to you if you didnt even bother getting out of the country ? Sadly, the human race is getting dumber with each passing decade - I expect Paris Hilton to be given an Honorary Doctorate any day now .....

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I guess I got to remember this one:


I screw up, somebody else will have to pay for it.


Surely, it could never be my mistake.


Of course not, theres no such thing as personal responsibility these days, only blame.


Trip over the pavement ? sue the council.



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