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Australian author sentenced to three years in jail on lese majesty charge


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I don't know if they read thai360 or not Faustian but there are some very well-connected farang in Thailand. They are highly respected in the world of finance and they go to all the best clubs. The Thais are very concerned about the opinion of such people. These are the people who can really make a difference if they stand up to be counted.

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Seems we agree. The law exists and therefore somebody has to enforce it. Farang who flaunt it are insulting Thailand. Whether or not the law should be changed and what affect it has on Thailand's image and/or economy are separate discussions.


We can debate the extent to which Harry broke the law. I think it was most likely his cocky attitude that got him in trouble.


So the real issue is then: were the police, the prosecutor and the tribunal when enforcing and implementing the law in this case unduly influenced by an agenda of their own or political or other forces ("authorities") outside the realm of the law as such?


Let's call this extra-judicial agenda or extra-judicial forces "Thailand".


So. if yes to the question above, did "Thailand shoot itself in the foot"?


In terms of negative international publicity, yes.


However, as you imply, the only way to judge if Harry was sentenced strictly according to the law, or sentenced under influence of other considerations, is to discuss the case us such.


Thus, do we - who are discussing this case - consider him guilty or not guilty according to the law from what is written in the book?


Personally I pass judgment. because I am too lazy to get the book and read it.

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