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This is Thailand..........


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I didn't know where to post this so I put it here. I thought about the health section but it's not all about health. Could be relationships but not really appropriate either. Maybe start a new catagory called TIT. Anyway....here it is.......


Yesterday the gf said she wanted to go to the dentist today. So this morning at about 730a she called some number and after she hung up said that the place she called only sees 15 patients a day and she couldn't get in today. I let it go.


Later in the morning I asked if she called to make an appointment for tomorrow or another day. She said she didn't understand. I asked the same question a different way. She said no. I asked how she can get in then. She said she would just have to show up early.


Now why in the fuck would you go to a dentist's office that you know apparently fills up before 730a each day? Also, how much earlier do you have to be? Isn't 730am early enough? I guess not. Isn't there some kind of a scheduling system? I'm ranting but I just can't believe that at 730a, 15 people have shown up and are gonna wait all day cuz they apparently don't take appointments otherwise she would have made one. :(

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I wouldn't jump to hasty conclusion...

You were half-asleep so maybe you heard wrong?


Check again, you know as well as everyone that TIT so you might suspect your gf of doing something behind your back when the explanation is simple because TIT...


Throught the years I realized that even well educated "GTG" can easily forget some unimportant things without lying -> just us interpreting that as lying...


Example: My missus was paying for her mother's debt -> when she first told me about it

she told me she was paying it every 4 months...


Second time she told me she was paying it every 3 months, although I didn't give a satang to settle it (nor wasn't I expected to do so at that stage of our relation) I immediately began to be puzzled (and I started to hear alarm bells)


When later I was able to check the papers at the bank itself I just realized my missus had not been precise (was 3 months in fact) and had of course forgotten she wasn't accurate. (and now after we talked about that she is fully aware that for important matters I need her to be accurate)



Good luck

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