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Ted Kennedy - dead at 77 years old


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A snipet from an article I just read.......


" Senator Kennedy has amassed a titanic record of legislation affecting the lives of virtually every man, woman and child in the country. He was the force behind more landmark legislation, impacting everything from the fight against cancer to fetal tissue research to control of nuclear weapons, than any legislator in U-S history. Name a major political issue in the past four decades, and chances are Ted Kennedy had a central role in it."


I'm not saying he's a saint, what lawmaker is? But a guy with 47 years in deserves some respect. Btw, I got chastised yesterday for joking about someone's death, don't see that happening here. :dunno:

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The point is, he was greatly overrated, and he was guilty of negligence in the Chappaquiddick mess, for which he should have been done politically. As he was a Kennedy, he was shown special treatment.


Now assume any other dipshit drunk killed someone, his career would be over. This ass hat lasted 47 years? Fuck him...but wait, ask yourself what kind of shit head spends 2+ million form his own pocket getting elected to a job that pays what $175K? You have to consider the other bullshit this asshole was into.


Now, as to who is really to blame...? I'll blame the shit head voters from Mass. who repeatedly elected this asshole, because they somehow felt he was another JFK...


Now, ask yourself...why, every fucking year, on the anniversary of JFK's assassination, we were subjected to tons of Kennedy propaganda and hype...that is, until his son "John John" died. After that, it is a none event.


Basically, a bunch of shit eaters were keeping JFK "alive" hoping his son would eventually run...there is a sick bunch in this country that likes dynastys and "royalty." I don't. He was a drunk, a liar, a murderer, and a rapist protector, fuck him, fuck his whole god damned family, and the assholes that support them. He is gone, may we never hear from him again.


Let me add, had JFK not had his head blown off, he'd have been maybe a decent or run of the mill president, and we would care less about this family and their drunken rapist drug addicted off spring. Again, fuck them.

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Estimates of his wealth, based upon info Senators must provide range from $50 million to $150 million. So, for discussion, let's take the middle ground, $100 million. He made his reputation as a liberal looking out for the less fortunate of society (take health care as an example).


I find it hypocritical to say the least that anyone (and many liberals in Congress fall into this category) push for legislation to benefit the common family, while living a life of extraordinary luxury and wealth. Say he was a man of principle and decided to live on a paltry $10 million. He could have (at a rate $1,500 per year for 10 years) provided health care for 6 thousand families.


Here is an excerpt from the NY Times obit, "Mr. Kennedy struggled for much of his life with his weight, with alcohol and with persistent tales of womanizing. In an Easter break episode in 1991 in Palm Beach, Fla., he went out drinking with his son Patrick and a nephew, William Kennedy Smith, on the night that Mr. Smith was accused of raping a woman.".


All in all, a strong contrast to the "Lion of the Senate" label he is being graced with.

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