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Seh Daeng 'to lead the battle'


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So Cent - you stay in your little cocoon, but don't think everyone else is the same, as you can see most here disagree, and as I said - regardless what side of politics your on, I welcome input from all sides. Those with families, businesses here that play a roll in society get to have a say, be it here, local letter to newspaper, or meeting their partners etc.

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Fark Cent I answer you directly and you come up with more bullshit? I'm better of financially in Australia, but living in a city sucks for kids, living in a village is an adventure they'll never forget, as long as I allow them the adventure, kids can't even swing on swings in most places these days.


You take it personal, I answer personally and all I get is crap like


"That is good for you and the village. What is your point though? "


If you don't want Thailand to get better, go back to USA, my feeling is, and remember I've been a expat since I was a toddler, is that the world is my home, and everywhere I go, I like to leave behind a better place, however I can do that.


If you don't like the fact I don't fit the mould, go argue with someone else, but don't try the crap with me because it won't wash.








"Fark Cent I answer you directly and you come up with more bullshit?"


What the hell are you talking about brother? You obviously misread my post.


"I'm better of financially in Australia, but living in a city sucks for kids,"


Which is why many Americans live in the suburbs and commute to work. Their kids get a better place to live and the father/mother do the drive and commute, that sucks but is what we do to give our kids a better life. Maybe Aussie and US cultures are that different in this? Dunno.


"living in a village is an adventure they'll never forget, as long as I allow them the adventure, kids can't even swing on swings in most places these days."


Most places in Oz then? We still have swings in the playgrounds as far as I know. I understand what you are saying about the village life adventure, and the fact the kids can be around family is also a great advantage. I was saying though that these memories are not exclusive to living in a Thai village. I was brought up in the countryside in a small suburb in a farming area, father worked in the city. I have great memories of that time, and as I said, no elephants were around. :content: Not a dig at all, just an observation that kids usually have good memories of their childhood as long as they had good parents and a loving extended family and friends around them.


"You take it personal, I answer personally and all I get is crap like"


I take it personal? Actually, no I haen't and don't know where the hell you are coming from or what you are reading into what I wrote.


"That is good for you and the village. What is your point though? "


Crap? I said what was the point as this isn't what I was speaking of really. I am happy for you and the village and all those whose lives you have touched and improved. You do good things in Thailand and have spread a lot of knowledge around to those Thais you have had contact with. No question about it and I support your efforts.


"If you don't want Thailand to get better, go back to USA,"


Again, where do you get this, are you drunk? Where do I say this, where have I said this? How the hell do you come up with this? Of course I want Thailand to get better. Always have, always will. I love Thailand and its people. I've been here longer than you and met many Thais along the way that I truly enjoyed meeting and being around. I like living here as much as you do. You know that. It seems you are the one taking this personally for some reason. Maybe you are not reading what I wrote as it was intended. Again, dunno.


"my feeling is, and remember I've been a expat since I was a toddler, is that the world is my home, and everywhere I go, I like to leave behind a better place, however I can do that."


And that is good and the right attitude that all should emulate. The world would be a better place. The world IS our home. The borders are artificial and placed by governments. And I know I am leaving Thailand a little bit better off for my being here, even if just by helping those around when needed and doing the right thing by people. Every little bit helps. But again, this was not the point of my earlier post.


"If you don't like the fact I don't fit the mould, go argue with someone else, but don't try the crap with me because it won't wash."


Again, I have no idea what has upset you. Fit what mould? Why the hell would I care what mould you want to make or fit yourself into? It's your life and I think everyone should live their life the way they see fit as long as they hurt no one else along the way. You seem to be reading something into my posts that are not even there. Don't know why, but it seems to be your doing, not mine as far as I can see/read. You seem to be overly sensitive and are reading things that are not there. You are construing things that are absent, and misinterpreting what I have said. Lighten up. Unless you just want to fight?


"but don't try the crap with me because it won't wash"


Exactly what crap are you talking about? Show me. I'd love to know what you are reading into my words here, as your interpretation is definitely wrong. Do I need to use more emoticons? :argue::down::up::susel::banghead::cussing::dunno::rolleyes::neener::beer::scared::yikes::soapbox::spin::boxing::spank::sex::closemouth::wave:



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By the way the kids go to a very good local catholic school, as you know, as do a number of other kids from the village. It's standards are pretty good.




Which I mentioned in the earlier post and acknowledged that you do. I have sent my daughter to the best schools available in Surin. Not the catholic school here in Surin though, as I went to Catholic schools as a kid and hated these religious nutters as teachers, even though they did get results, their methods (back then in those ancient days) left much to be desired. Yeah, I left there four grade levels above my peers in public schools in all subjects, but got beaten many times as well, which I don't consider good teaching methods.


Not saying that they are like this now, just don't want anything to do with religious schools at all myself.


So our daughter goes to the best Thai schools in Surin, and I have paid for years for extra schooling after school and weekends, and annual summer school classes as well.


If there had been a decent school nearby the village we would still likely be living in the village to this day. As you know I have nothing against village life and living.

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So Cent - you stay in your little cocoon, but don't think everyone else is the same, as you can see most here disagree, and as I said - regardless what side of politics your on, I welcome input from all sides. Those with families, businesses here that play a roll in society get to have a say, be it here, local letter to newspaper, or meeting their partners etc.





My god, you are being a little dick aren't you?


Little cocoon? You really need to learn how to have a civil discussion, dude. My cocoon as you call it tends to take in all sides of any argument. I do know how to look at the opposite side and see other POVs in a debate on a given topic.


"but don't think everyone else is the same,"


I wouldn't have it any other way.


"as you can see most here disagree,"


A bit early in the thread to claim some sort of 'victory' isn't it, and childish as well. I'm sure there are others who can understand what I wrote, and likely agree with it, on some points at least. Nothing is usually either/or, black and white, and it is just an opinion, which we all get to post here , right?


"and as I said - regardless what side of politics your on, I welcome input from all sides."


Really? Doesn't seem so here in this thread.


"Those with families,"


I have one.


"businesses here that play a roll in society"


I have one of those too.


"get to have a say,"


Not as much if they are farang, as they are not 'equal' in the eyes of the Thai government, and many Thais as well.


"be it here,"


Of course, this site is not Thai owned and operated.


"local letter to newspaper,"


Yes, the letters to the editor of the BKK Post or the Nation. Do you see many letters to the editor of the Thai papers written in Thai from/by farangs being printed in these papers? I'd be curious to know that. Not reading Thai I wouldn't know.


"or meeting their partners"


What/which partners? Of who?



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CEnt are you blind as well as stoopid? Your post was a reaction to me saying I defend anyone from either side of politics having their opinion and being able to say it. You seem to have no idea what you've written do you?




To which some numbskull replied: Really? Doesn't seem so here in this thread.>>

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