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batteries bigger security risk than oil ..


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One had best check up on the sources of Lithium.


"Three major companies dominate the world's lithium market. The metal itself is produced in only a half-dozen countries, including a small site in Nevada, but half the world's lithium comes from the Salar de Atacama."





"Bolivia finds itself in the middle of a struggle for controlling and exploiting a key natural resource for the future of the world’s auto industry: lithium."




And the Chinese and Japanese are right there now making deals.

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My understanding is that electricity generated at night from most sources can't be stored and is unused. Generated by coal, natural gas, hydro or whatever it can't really be turned on and off so easily.


"The solution, says Bob Graham, program manager for electric transportation at the Electric Power Research Institute, is to provide incentives for off-peak charging. Make the price right, and "most people are going to charge at night," says Graham. "That's exactly when the grid is under­utilized." A 2006 study by the DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory estimates that the United States could meet the electrical needs of 73 percent of its light-duty vehicles with today's grid. This would offset the country's ­daily oil use by 6.5 million barrels, or nearly one-third. "


The whole article is here:



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are fossil fuels used to generate the electric for these cars?


80% of the time, in the US, the simple answer is "Yes."


However if you want to argue efficacy of the coal and oil electrical plants vs. a internal combustion engine, you quickly get to the point that it is VASTLY better to burn a dino to charge a car than to fill up the tank.

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"hmmmm, bit hard to chat them up while there 50,000 feet up on bombing missions over you! "



Any clod / retard can spout the facts.

loudly spouting (unrealistic) beliefs is an art.


vasco de gama rounded cape hope in about 1500AD

[color:red]& Asia has been at constant war with whitie for 500 years.[/color]


LP history:

damn asians constantly murdering europeans, first with muskets & now from 50K feet.

for 500 years the asians have invaded & occupied europe & america.

forcing dopey mystic beliefs down the inferior gullets of the europeans whilst stealing every thing not tied down.


a documented history of arrogant chinese killing the people & stealing the resources of the europeans

I recall vividly the chinese B-52s over Liverpool carpet bombing the low life & valueless white-es


chinese dropping agent orange & napalm from 50k' on the worthless white-ies will remain a stain on the morality of the chinese


the chinese often contend that if they had not murdered every whitie f'er they could find & had not-colonized 'the west' the lazy dumb white bastards would still be contending Rome is the center of the universe ..


serious question:

are there any natural resources in england to steal? western Europe?


damn chinese


white-ie viciously ruled in the 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th century

21st earth century = let the belligerent intellectually inferior & morally corrupt white f'ers eat cake

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I am perfectly content to let China destroy its environment to sell us cheap dirt. I see no reason to spend our money doing it safely in my back yard while a potential enemy is willing to do it for us.



In Texas, what lurks in the bay's sediment that poses a greater threat. Deep below the blue waters are thousands of pounds of mercury that leaked for decades, making the bay the nation's largest wholly aquatic Superfund site  a designation the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awards sites so contaminated they require complex, long-term cleanups.



I spent many days / weeks on Mustang Island, the barrier island on the south side of matagorda bay.

the drive home (the 'long way' through the coastal towns, f' the interstate & long live 2 lane blacktop) .. through point comfort was always eerie.. a huge 'silver colored plant' in the middle of no where on a serene estuary off beautiful matagorda bay


point Comfort / port aransas was a site of major confrontation when Viet fishermen began shrimping matagorda bay in the late 70s. .. was made into a movie.

the fat & lazy local fishermen objected with guns when the stupid slope headed viets were kicking the lazy white boys big arses & gettin' far more shrimp with far less overhead.


unamerican competition from the low life asians

bet that regions whites are BIG saraaah fans today.

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