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Employers looking at health insurance options


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Prez O really thought this one thru...NOT!!!

As predicted, health care in the US will do a nasty increase. US gov involved, bend over!!!


The new health care law wasn't supposed to undercut employer plans that have provided most people in the U.S. with coverage for generations.


But last week [color:red]a leading manufacturer told workers their costs will jump partly because of the law[/color]. Also, [color:red]a Democratic governor laid out a scheme for employers to get out of health care by shifting workers into taxpayer-subsidized insurance markets that open in 2014[/color].


While it's too early to proclaim the demise of job-based coverage, [color:red]corporate number crunchers are looking at options that could lead to major changes[/color].


"[color:red]The economics of dropping existing coverage is about to become very attractive to many employers, both public and private[/color]," said Gov. Phil Bredesen, D-Tenn...



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Walmart...used to pay 100% of their workers health care. Not next year...

Damn, can I have some of what you're on? Walmart is one of the biggest problems in the US. They literally help their employees sign up for Medicaid & other government programs when they hire them because the pay is so weak.


I myself do not like subsidizing the Walton family's billions...

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Despite what Cav claims, almost 1/2 of Americans do NOT have health coverage, and the number of those without is growing. Naturally any price hikes will be blamed on the Obama plan, as companies fear a profit lose, and need to lie to keep the status quo.


I, like many, also USED to have "100% employer paid medical," we gave up salary for it, so who really pays? Now I pay 20%, and my deductibles are up, and fewer things are covered.


Walmart is evil, but it really isn't the problem, the problem is people who shop at Walmart and keep them in business.

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Well, I know Canadians that are using their government funded and run health care system. They seem to have no problems and are quite happy with their government health care. I know Aussies as well that use their government health care system, and tell me all the time how good it is. Seems to work well and most are happy with it. I know Norwegians using their health care system, they are very happy with what they get for care and coverage.


So why the fuck can't the US have a decent health care system that helps their citizens? Why? Because of the GOP and other whack jobs that obstructed the DEMS from actually making a good health care system in the US. The right wing fanatics, the anti-tax nitwits, the corporate lobbyists, the medical and pharma companies/community that is making billions off of health care to date that do not want any change to their obscene profits while they rape and pillage the country's sick and elderly.


Australia has it, Canada has it, Norway has it, France has it, England even has it... but somehow America is different and can't have it as it is a commie socialist pinko plan/plot to change America into the new Marxist/Leninist Russia. Fucking ninnies. Those countries seem to have it figured out to a large degree and most people are happy enough with their health care plans and use them. Yet America can't get it done. Sad really. Then the Repubnuts turn around and blame Obama and the Dems because what is in place is fucked up. Well, you red state wankers are the ones who fucked it up and made it impossible to actually have a decent health care plan in the states.


Hopefully one day soon you lose your jobs and health care insurance and have to see what you can do when you get sick and need help (once all your money is gone to pay for your health care bills). The money will go quickly, and you will be in the same boat as many of your fellow citizens. Then you can be proud you fought so hard to keep America from joining the community of nations that actually care for their citizens and have implemented health care systems for all their citizens, rich and poor, right and left, and all in between.

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