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1 hour ago, buffalo_bill said:

Gentlemen, for the umpteenth time:

"Total cases "  should read : " Tested and identified as positive"   Meaning : low number of tests: low number positive

"Total deaths" should read " Died and carried virus" . Meaning : might only  have died due to drinking beer Lao too mut and coincidentially carried virus as well.


Attentive readers watching the German numbers on the list above  might immediately notice the enormous advantages of a socialist/communist health system that values peoples life higher than management bonuses. Hopefully the Corona virus shall be the final nail in the coffin for any further plans of privatisation.



Meaningful post.




The data should be clearly stated, like Bubi said.

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Just applying logic, Vietnam and Laos are probably vastly under reported. By how much is anyone's guess. Those countries lack the infrastructure to know who has it. If their deaths and hospitalizations aren't high and rather low then the numbers are likely not too far off. 

As for China, personally, I would put an asterisk next to their numbers. I would take any bet at any odds that their numbers were by far the biggest and slightly altered odds that they exceed the global total of deaths by themselves. 

As for Trump, I'll throw him a bone. Right now he seems to be letting the experts do their job more or less. Letting a business guy dictate health advice shows his lack of leadership. Overall Trump gets low marks for how he has handled this from start to finish if we are basing it on prior presidents. Bush and Obama handled outbreaks far, far better. Trump supporters are clinging to any thing he does right as proof he's a true leader. And they did the opposite with Obama in true hypocrisy fashion. 

Admittedly, Trump gets over analyzed. Some things may be seen as a bit petty. But it has to be countered with Trump giving them easy targets. He says the wrong things. The fact is the people have spoken including the Trump supporters. The NY governor is seen as the voice of reason and leadership .They are showing Governor Cuomo's press conferences in red states for a reason. Even Trump supporters know a better source for leadership and info. 

The fact that Trump supporters have targeted Fauci's physical health with death threats shows you just how far gone Trump's hard core supporters are. The man has served both parties faithfully. Its plainly obvious he has no ideological leanings at this time except to ensure the nation's health. You don't hear McConnell or even the Freedom Caucus going after him. They know better. Trying to run sensible minds that are needed out of town is a sobering reminder that even in the face of death, many on the hard right for Trump simply have zero morals or ethics. There is only one way to deal with that. 

I think the media on the left should give Trump some wiggle room. It's a given he's not prepared mentally/emotionally for this crisis and triggering him is counter productive. I fault the mainstream media for that. Those of us on social media can do that, its what we all do but the media has a higher calling. They should be better than that for the sake of the people. 

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12 hours ago, cavanami said:

He's some fake news, generated by the azzhat governor! Another lying azz Dem...go git em, CS...


This Candace Owens? https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2020/03/conservative-candace-owens-says-some-people-will-die-but-calls-for-business-as-usual-during-coronavirus-crisis/

I've done some googling and this is what is out there: 


Okay. First, its not conclusive, second, isn't it a police matter? Had we had an investigation? Owens is talking as if its conclusive and it isn't. It looks very fishy and the big scandal would be if law enforcement doesn't investigate. 

What his party has to do with anything, Im trying to figure out. Both parties break laws. Its a FACT that Republican senators sold stock and told people of the covi19 threat before the public knew it. I think a Dem or two sold stock, not sure, but may have. All of them need to face legal action. 

Not sure what I'm supposed to say about a story I am hearing for the first time from you (thanks by the way) and the little I do see in the media is early days. So....?

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I'm now reading articles saying Trump is invested in the company that makes or markets the drug he is touting  All presidents have a blind trust in modern administrations. Not with Trump, he knows exactly where his money is. It could be coincidental and inconsequential or it could be by design. I'll tell you what. He gets away with more shit than anyone ever in his office. Largely due to his base simply not caring even if its true. As well as the Democrats being spineless. 

The early reports are its useful, perhaps very useful. But to tout it the way its been is simply careless and dangerous. Especially considering it takes companies years to come up with cures. It's not the movies. Ebola has a cure of some sorts and look how long that has been around? Same with HIV. 

He said it because he's concerned about his re-election and the economy is the key to his re-election in his mind. 

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