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Usa Thread


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This is messy. Also, former presidents don't support anyone in the primaries by custom. They don't try and influence the voters. Obama has supported Biden behind the scenes, privately when asked. Finally, Bernie people wasn't voting for him in numbers he suggests. Not true. When asked, its customary and polite to deflect and say, lets let the process play out and its not your place when its the opposition. That's what others have done and that's what people with an ounce of class do. 


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15 minutes ago, cavanami said:


The USA has enough bridges in the USA to deal with...

Which is why US  taxes should  be increased and not reduced.  The corona-aftermath shall make things worse looking at financing improvements of the infrastructure. The basic problem is that the Donald only looks at his reelection like the rabbit at the tiger and does not care about America(ns).

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Taxes on the rich won't happen. They pay for the elections so they control the politicians. All we do is vote. The only ones who don't take corporate money ironically enough are the ones that everyone goes after, AOC, Bernie, etc. instead of demanding that their own politicians not take money. 

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