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Usa Thread


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15 hours ago, chocolat steve said:

Coss, I'm going to be accused of being a cynic but that NYC is 'bending the knee' ala Game of Thrones because of fear. He and the union have publicly  backed the most blatant murders of unarmed people in NYC in the most obnoxious tones. 

--, pardon me for not buying the sincerity. NYC like multiple other cities is no longer a protest of one group, Blacks, the protests are diverse now and that makes things exponentially more difficult.

CS you are quite right, and the world of untended consequences could lead to others, thinking that there is will to mend the divide, sincere or no. Could be a good thing.

Now this following is really, posed as humorous and  I really mean this, as a piss-take, I wonder if white prats, taking the knee, in the future, will be the new 'blackface'.

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15 hours ago, cavanami said:

'stole his car "  Yeah? I'll see your Trumpanzee squeal and raise you - a news article from the every same publisher::

More protests in NJ remain calm with cops joining and listening




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14 hours ago, cavanami said:

...that's mighty white of you 555555555555555555

(and yes, this is sarcasm)

*NOTE: Sarcasm is the word that Trumpanzees use when they say something, know it's wrong, but want say it, anyway, so ahh 'sarcasm' right? unless Cav was trying to spell racist and got it wrong also.

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10 hours ago, cavanami said:

Word is, Russia is buying all the hydroxychloroquine it can get its hands on! 

Because Trump is selling to to them and they're taking it off his hands, so he doesn't become a pauper, for sinking all his dosh into a fad. Putin will keep Trump going for as long as possible, chuckling in the Kremlin as this is written.

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3 hours ago, chocolat steve said:

I got news for you. The U.S. is fucked either way. Overall, Trump has been a mitigated disaster. Do we have one ally left? Really, we literally have no allies. That is just one of a laundry list of things. 

Every Republican in the last 50 years ended their term with a crash or recession and more debt than they started with. Not that the Democrats are gods gift to politics, but the Republicans have no record to stand on. The party of fiscal sound governing is complete and utter bullshit. 

Obama lowered the unemployment rate and the stock market hit new high and debt went up most of his term. The Republicans kept talking about the debt. Trump gets in and all of a sudden the debt isn't an issue and its the stock market and unemployment is touted. Trump shows complete hypocrisy from what he criticized Obama about. He was right about some things about Obama's term but then did the same and worse. 

He'll lose big in November likely. One term and out and history will not be kind. I guarantee you by 2024, anyone who supported him won't be admitting it. Just like you can't find anyone who'll admit to being big for Bush. The only Republican any of them will admit to is Reagan. That's it. The Eisenhower supporters are mostly dead. 


I won't post them, for to do so would be gainsaying, there are quite a few opinions, happening in this part of the world, talking about how all the big powers are fucked and how our small nation, might be better to band together, with other smaller nations and form a mini EU-like  Oceania.

On a hunting forum I follow, the boys are now calling the USA, the Excited States of America.

And to quote one lyricist, "U.S. , China, Russia, India, Brasil... Fuck off and Fester..."

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