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Usa Thread


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Yes CS, our allies now understand that the USA is no longer a milk toast country as it was under Obummer! and good on President Trump in promoting USA values and ideals. It is a privilege for another country to be an ally of the USA.

CS and others clearly show their hate for the democratic republic of the USA. Wake up call, the USA does not need such anti-American people!!!

...and of course CS fails to mention the TRILLIONS that Nancy Peloser has pushed thru the Congress...like that doesn't add debt to the USA? nice cognitive dissonance!!!

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 "CS fails to mention the TRILLIONS that Nancy Peloser has pushed thru the Congress"

And Trump presumably signed into law. 

Whilst I am happy to debate Cav, the continuous stream of Spam Trumpanzee utubery is worth ignoring.


So bye bye Cav, I've never had to ignore anyone, on here, even if I disagree with them, I am prepared to debate, but Spam is Spam.

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7 hours ago, buffalo_bill said:

Mostly. But Bubi lives.

Roughly 60 years ago President Eisenhower visited a place called Siegburg in Germany where I went to highschool at that time. He was greeting the crowd and I was waving an American flag. I swear this is the truth. Now look at Trump, I start vomiting.


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So America doesn't need allies? Wow. All other prior presidents are wrong? There are multiple posts on here I have criticizing the Dems, Pelosi with words like spineless and weak willed and internally robbing Sanders, but I guess that's too soft on Dems. I've said Obama's extra judicial killing of Americans with drones overseas is criminal, but I am one sided? lol...ok.

Anyway, back to reality. I saw a twitter post that said "So people to resort to civil unrest and billions of dollars in damage before the authorities would even charge the cops who murdered George Floyd. Next time someone asks "How you gonna change things if you refuse to vote?" Tell them this is one way we can do it. 

Sad. Very sad. 


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With greatest pleasure I note that finally some respected gentlemen, if I may include GW Bush, are positioning themselves against the Trump-monster. May it continue.


Cav I don´t know where your view on the world has it´s origins but you should realise you live in a phantasy. And I may join Mr Coss in asking you politely to stop quoting your horrorwebsites. They are an insult to any intelligent creature.

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