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BET's Robert Johnson To Obama: Stop Attacking The Wealthy


Warren Buffet says he pays more than his secretary. He should pay the secretary more and she will pay more."


My link




Have your read the last sentence. It's complete nonsense.

a.) Buffet said the opposite

b.) It's not about how much the secretary earns, but how high her tax rate is.

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Regarding Obama and our space program. I am a science fiction fan and always love to hear about new discoveries or revised theories from our space and exploration program. However, in these economic times, do we really need to keep investing billions into it? I'm not saying scrap it but that money could be used elsewhere. Do we really need to go back to the moon or a manned flight to Mars right now? After we've made a comeback economically, sure. Now, we need every buck back on earth.


The Wall Street protesters have an air of the anarchists at the G8 summit that show up each time they meet. I am a capitalist and don't have a problem with Wall Street per se. I do have a problem with the power they have in COngress and over Obama. I do think they need to be regulated enough to make sure a similar near meltdown to last time doesn't occur. Lastly, I don't ever want them bailed out again.


Regarding Cain. I had mentioned in one of my earlier posts that one of the reasons (amongst a few) I am not supporting is his lack of knowledge on global issues. Right of return is basic Israel 101 info that everyone on this thread knows. He didnt even know that. From what I saw in the debates he has less foreign policy and foreign policy related knowledge, basic knowledge, than most everyone on this thread. That's scary. You guys on this thread know more about American foreign policy issues than he does. You'd think a guy who is running for President would prepare himself on the basic issues. They all hire advisors. Economic, foreign policy, health, etc. I continue to state he is not qualified. He's a great Horatio Alger story and is a great American story and I'd love to see him go to inner city schools with his story. Its needed. Obviously a man of integrity, a great moral center and honesty but I still say a man that is more qualified for a cabinet post than the Presidency.


Robert Johnson was never a fan of Obam too. He supported Hillary and back in '08 made disparaging remarks about Obama referring to his past drug use and was rumored to even have said what Ferraro was also accused of that he wouldn't be President if he wasn't black. Many of these comments from Johnson and others we are hearing now, especially blacks, are from those that never supported him and waited till it was 'safe' (his popularity waning, etc.) to come out and voice things they always thought. In addition, its complete BS of Johnson to say he went into business to create jobs. NO ONE starts a business to create jobs. Its a byproduct of the quest for profit. Its sometimes a matter of pride that one is able to create jobs and see your employees as family but its not a primary reason to start a job.

As I've mentioned before, the black power elite in politics, business, etc. never supported Obama originally. Jesse Jackson Jr. (his father was an avid Hillary suppoter) and Oprah are the only I've heard of. Both Chicago based so that's not surprising. Not that there aren't others but back in '08 pretty much all the black pols and power brokers backed Hillary. The black masses support Obama, the ones with power never did.

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Taxes should be a really big issue in the coming election but I suspect it will be the usual dribble.


For example, why is there a 10% - 11% excise tax inbedded on the price of a new gun? And why is their a 12% excise tax embedded in the price of a heavy truck?


When the country was first founded, it ran only on what it received from excise taxes, but today there are all kinds of taxes. The only I raise my eye brow to is a tax on an excise tax.

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We started the last decade with a surplus and the two wars put us in a huge debt. Sometimes wars have to be fought. I understand that. However, its also entered into advisedly.


As far as the election, I'm not impressed with the Republican field except for one or two (Paul, Huntsman...and to a lesser extent Gingrich).

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Remember this guy? Infomercial guy Don Lapre



TV pitchman Donald Lapre dies in apparent suicide in federal custody

A U.S. Marshals Service spokesman says a Phoenix-based TV pitchman charged with running a nationwide scheme to sell essentially worthless Internet-based businesses has died in an apparent suicide while in federal custody.


Spokesman Matt Hershey says Donald Lapre was found dead in his cell at a Florence facility Sunday morning. His trial was scheduled to begin Tuesday.


Hershey says the death remains under investigation.


A grand jury indicted Lapre in June on 41 counts of conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud and promotional money laundering. He was accused of overseeing and promoting the opportunity through his company called "The Greatest Vitamin in the World."


The government says at least 220,000 victims in the scheme were defrauded of nearly $52 million.



I didn't buy his program but way back in the old days I placed several ads for one of those 900 dating lines. Mixed results.

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I was suspicious of all those "infomercials". If the idea was so good, they'd be doing it themselves.


BTW your link brings up a warning not to go to that site. :hmmm:


Just cliccked on it and got the article. Its in the MSNBC section of msn.com. Must be something in the country you're in that blocks it and sends some sort of message.

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In an interview Monday on Fox News' ''Fox & Friends,'' Williams, unprompted, said of Obama's outing on the links with House Speaker John Boehner: ''It'd be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu.''

Asked to clarify, Williams said, ''They're the enemy,'' adding that by ''they'' he meant Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

Williams backed off Tuesday.

''The thought of the leaders of both parties jukin and high fiven on a golf course, while so many families are struggling to get by simply made me boil over and make a dumb statement,'' Williams said. ''I am very sorry if it offended anyone.''


Wasn't the smartest analogy but I'm not gonna make more out of it than it is. He doesn't like Dems and Obama and had a colorful analogy. Not a big deal to me at least. Others may feel differently.

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"There are two ideas of government," said William Jennings Bryan at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1896. "There are those who believe that you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it."

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