Steve Posted March 1, 2012 Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 That's a HUGE load of you-know-what Stevo. Anyway, the reasons for not trying to shuffle civilian union workers are at least 2: 1.) their benefits are contractual obligations/bargaining agreements, whereas the military is not unionized and has no bargaining agreements: 2.) union employees support Barry, whereas I'd guess that most military personnel have no use for Barry and won't vote for him. (Recall how it was Republicans who demanded that the votes of foreign-serving military voters be counted 4 years ago?) It's a take-off on Barry's signature "class warefare" campaign message: "I will not allow the 1/2 of the citizens who don't pay taxes to shoulder the burden of the 1/2 of the citizens who don't pay their fair share". Something like that, anyway, eh? HH (Thinking Stevo was kidnapped and now being forced to send messages from some dark, cold room in Pyongyang.) HH, we missed you around here. Hope all is well. My conserative brother is dumbstruck with me. Thinks I'm smoking the wacky tobaccy. Anyway, Republicans are more hypocritical in that they are always touting their love and respect for our soldiers and have no problem taking away benefits. Dems do it obviously but its the Repubs that have the reputation (because they tout themselves as such) and yell from the rooftops about our fighting men. It was a Republican president who had our soldiers ill equipped and overworked in two wars and the Repubs in Congress went along with it. As for them not voting for Obama, the military has always supported Republicans more than Dems. If universities can be accused of fostering liberalism, it can then be argued that he military environment does the same for conservatism. One man's class warfare is another man's conept of sharing responsibility for each other. Its not class warfare when conservatives start demonizing immigrants and using welfare as a wedge issue between socio-economic and ethic groups though? lol. C'mon HH, I can get you out of Slytherin house and in with us good guys in Gryffindor (you won't understand unless you're a Harry Potter fan ) Leave the zeros and get with the heroes. Leave the right wing and get with a right thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Posted March 1, 2012 Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 All this talk about Obama opologizing I hope is just election cycle banter. He did the right thing. Some of us have this notion that America does no wrong and when we do, we come up with excuses such as overall we do good so any mistakes should be overlooked no matter how tragic. Bottom line is we aren't wanted there. We really do have to walk on culutral/religious eggshells in Afghanistan to be there. The Afghanis are not accustomed to having foreign troops with so much influence so they are looking for any excuse to riot and kill. The Republicans that go on about not apologizing if they were in his position would cost even more American lives to be lost and give the Taliban ammo to turn the people against us. This is a no brainer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flashermac Posted March 1, 2012 Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 What is unbelievable is the complete bodge they made of burning the Qu'rans the prisoners allegedly used to pass messages in. Those books weren't burnt, at most they were singed. Somebody should be court martialled for effing up a simple thing like burning things properly. No evidence of the burn should have remained. p.s. If the Qu'rans truly had been holy books, they would not have burned. They would have danced around in the flames like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugh_Hoy Posted March 1, 2012 Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 p.s. If the Qu'rans truly had been holy books, they would not have burned. They would have danced around in the flames like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo. Saw some high profile Muslim admit that writing notes in the Koran was equally "disrespectful". So much for the indignation of the rioters. It's all bullshit. The assholes are just trying to stir up shit. I say, pull the troops and and send about 30 or 40 nukes into the country and wave good-bye in the night-time glow. (That is, if Barry has kept 30-40 nukes.) Steve...don't know if you can hear me inside that pod; but, just in case: I'm not big on being at all responsible for those who assume little or no responsibility for themselves or the country. I don't assume one teeny weeny bit of responsibility. And for those who have broken into my house (wetbacks illegally entering the country), fug em. I know Barry needs them and that's all the more reason to toss their butts back across the border. 55555555555 HH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kamui Posted March 1, 2012 Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 A poll would also reveal a good number of Americans believe Elvis and bin Laden are still alive and the moon landing was faked. Heck, a scary number still think he's a practicing muslim. This will backfire. If he's kept off the ballot or they force the President to do some jumping through hoops, it will provide a lot of sympathy for him. Lets face it, birthers will NEVER be satisfied with any proof and they can and will find some nutty 'expert' to confirm their suspicions. I could find an expert to say I'm a white female if I look hard enough. Have you seen who is behind this bullshit? Nevertheless, media organizations from all political persuasions are seeking admittance to a news conference to be held by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz. The US media circus loves crazies like Sheriff Arpaio.a reportage about him. Link Even German tv did report about him. I wonder what kind of websites Flash is using as sources on US politics... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bangkoktraveler Posted March 1, 2012 Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 The US media circus loves crazies like Sheriff Arpaio.a reportage about him. Link Even German tv did report about him. I wonder what kind of websites Flash is using as sources on US politics... Sheriff Arpaio is a kook. Another kook of interest is the sheriff who is from the county south of Sheriff Arpaio's Maricopa County. That is Sheriff Babeu. He was Romney's Arizona chairperson for Romney's election in Arizona till the good Sherriff disclosed he was gay after the scandal broke out about his Mexican (illegal) lover. Surprising that the Republicans don't have nothing to say about this affair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flashermac Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 Sheriff Joe: 'Probable cause' Obama certificate a fraud PHOENIX – An investigative “Cold Case Posse†launched six months ago by “America’s toughest sheriff†– Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County – has concluded there is probable cause that the document released by the White House last year as President Obama’s birth certificate is a computer-generated forgery. The investigative team has asked Arpaio, who is at a news conference in Phoenix live-streamed by WND TV that began at 3 p.m. Eastern time, to elevate the investigation to a criminal probe that will make available the resources of his Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. The posse says it has identified at least one person of interest in the alleged forgery of Obama’s birth certificate. ... My link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 Wow! Great story! Janitor Turned Owner Rescues Failing Ohio Factory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 #1 Flat, Across the Board Fee: Some customers in those three states are currently paying a monthly across the board fee of between $6 and $9 to use Bank of America's checking services. #2 Conditional Fee: At the same time, some customers in those test-states are being charged a range of fees between $9 and $25 for a checking account, but have been given the option to avoid the additional cost if they keep a minimum balance or opt in to using other Bank of America services. That may prove a little more difficult in the post-Dodd Frank era, as many banks look to replace certain revenue streams that were squashed by the controversial banking regulation. JP Morgan Case (JPM) and Well Fargo (WFC) have already charge various fee to use their checking account services, which tend to otherwise be money-losers for the banks. There is one issue, though, that Aaron has with this new practice of banks nickel and diming consumers for everything. "The problem I have is that we bailed them out -- as taxpayers we bailed them out," he says. "This is how they prepay me for bailing them out?" Problem is that the banks, Visa and Mastercard has made it IMPOSSIBLE to function in society with cash. You MUST have a bank and a card with a logo to do anything in society. They get Congress to make laws and rules that give us no choice to use them and then fee us to death. Banks can do all the fees they want but only IF the playing field is cleared for non bank financial institutions like Credit Unions, etc. The Banking industry owns Obama and the Republicans as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 Have the Republicans Already Lost? Yes, it's only February. Eight months from election day. And so it's true that it is ridiculous to suggest this race is really over. But as of this moment, it does not look good for the Republican party caught up in a messy primary battle that often looks more like a circular firing squad. And as ABC News Political Director Amy Walter points out, Mitt Romney's ugly win in Michigan last night didn't help matters. Sure, a win is a win. But the Romney campaign's greatest strength has been eviscerating opponents, not making a strong case for Mitt Romney. "They figure out what the weakness is of their top opponent, they go in there spend a lot of money and do a lot of negative ads, and exploit whatever that weakness is. The problem with that is they don't' ever build themselves up," Walter says. The Republican primary battle in Michigan was so ugly, ABC's Rick Klein points out, that this critical battleground state seems to have tilted back to the Democrats. All the talk of the auto bailout, opposed by each of the Republican candidates, and the divisive social issues, did damage to the party in Michigan and perhaps more broadly as well, Klein says. "Now you've got Ohio coming up (on Super Tuesday next week). You've got another state that's a lot like Michigan. If the same kind of battle happens over the next week, then they have to worry about another big state potentially tipping to the Democrats." The Obama campaign benefits from the protracted Republican primary, but also from an improving economy. As Yahoo! News' David Chalian points out, that not only helps the president but also steals the thunder from Romney's main campaign theme. "If Mitt Romney is Mr. Fix It on the economy, but the guy who's sitting in the Oval Office is actually fixing the economy right now, then where does Mitt Romney go from there?" All that being said, election day is still a long eight months away. A lot could happen in the economy, in international news, here at home and, of course, on the campaign trail that could impact all of this. I am not comfortable with major media organizations calling elections early like this. I know its their right, I just think its bad journalism. Its well known that too many Americans are sheep. Even though I prefer Obama, I like as fair of an election as possible without undue influence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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