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So here is the third party candidate whom is more popular than ever because many consider both trump and Clinton a no goer. He probably screwed himself by showing he doesnt know anything about current affairs. What is Aleppo he asks ....



I couldn't pick out Alcapulco on a map if I tried. And what is going on in Alcapulco anyway?

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Clinton’s cover story for her pneumonia diagnosis further proves her first instinct is to lie


Hillary Clinton will beat pneumonia. But she won't beat her actual fatal condition: untrustworthiness.


In the hours after the Clinton campaign finally came clean (or did it?) Sunday about the candidate's pneumonia diagnosis two days earlier, the only question that mattered was, as NBCNews.com put it, "Clinton's core vulnerability is that most Americans don't find her honest or trustworthy. Will voters now feel like they've been misled about her health?"


Why is this even a question? Of course it raises trust issues. Worse, it plays into the hands of Clinton foes who assume everything she says is already a lie.


Let's go over the latest Clinton error of judgment:


After a coughing fit and during an otherwise false internet frenzy over her health fanned in part by Rudy "I Told Reporters I Was Leaving My Wife Before I Told Her" Giuliani, Clinton chose to not tell the public that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.


Instead, the coughing had been attributed to seasonal allergies.


Why not just admit the pneumonia? It's not as if there's a stigma to catching it. After all, Hillary Clinton's full-time job right now is rushing from place to place on those tube-shaped petri dishes called airplanes, speaking for hours on end with little sleep, and then diving into crowds of often unwashed deplorables thrusting babies into her face.


If she didn't catch some sort of bug, I'd say she'd need to be examined to ensure that she's human.


So instead of being forced to admit her own frailty, Clinton concocted a lie: it's just allergies, you know, which come from happy things like flowers. It's not a disease that brings to mind decay, 19th century industrial slums and physical weakness.


The larger question that will be raised by the "health scare" is the one that has dogged Clinton forever: Why does she create cover stories rather than reveal the truth? At many critical turns in her lengthy career, Clinton has chosen obfuscation rather than revelation.


(One caveat: She is running against a man who says he is successful yet has not released his taxes, so it's not exactly a great year for honesty.)





In all cases, Hillary Clinton's first instinct was to deny, hide or create a cover story. Many times, her cover story is completely believable or even reasonable. But sometimes it isn't. And therein lies the problem because once a cover story is revealed to be a lie, no one can believe any of the cover stories anymore.


Or, as Mark Twain supposedly once said, "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."


So do you think the public — nearly 60% which doesn't trust her already, according to polls — will again feel "misled" by Hillary Clinton and her failure to be honest about her health?




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