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Catch-and-release of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan angers troops


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Well, c'mon, how else are they gonna keep the war going so that the military-industrial complex can continue to make money. Sheesh! Get with the program here.


It's also part of Obama's plan to save and create jobs, no? But he even screwed that up. His "on-the-ground" experts told him they needed an additional 40,000-80,000 troops. But Obama's own personal expertise in military affairs told him to only supply 30,000 :banghead:



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Well' date=' c'mon, how else are they gonna keep the war going so that the military-industrial complex can continue to make money. Sheesh! Get with the program here.[/quote']


It's also part of Obama's plan to save and create jobs, no? But he even screwed that up. His "on-the-ground" experts told him they needed an additional 40,000-80,000 troops. But Obama's own personal expertise in military affairs told him to only supply 30,000 :banghead:





Why are we even in Afghanastan?


Oh yes, we have money to piss away in other countries like the $300 million power plant we paid for the Afghans which they never used. That is democracy.


If one penny of our own money is spent in our country - that is socialism - communism.


Sounds to me like something is wrong.

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30,000 might have been the number he could get without a draft, or calling up more reservists either one of which would piss off the folks at home...

I was wondering where HH thought he was gonna get those troops too. I don't think there are any reservists left that haven't done multiple tours (FFS, they're bringing in 50+ year old grannies), are there? The chickenhawks know that as soon as a draft is implemented that all this shit will stop cold.


And hey, didn't an HH hero say in the recent past "You go to war with the army you have, not the one you want."?


Must be sad to be a GOPer and have so little grasp on reality.

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