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Want that Job Wear Glasses


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Just read This Article and it so true.


Even though I do now need glasses for reading 20 years ago I started to wear "Clear Lens" glasses in the workplace in order to portray a personna and my career took off.


With the clear lens I used to use and my current ones I do need they are actualy a prop, I never wear all the time but if someone asks me to take a look at something, or if a meeting and something is shown on the overhead projector, slowly put the glasses on and people get the impression you are being attentive.


Same with clothing, I bet most people who have met me on this board have never seen me in anything other than Jeans / T-Shirt / Trainers (Sneakers) or maybe occasionaly shorts, that is the way I am, but on that stage called "The Office" the uniform of trousers shirt and tie goes on. I am not sure It makes me any better at my job but it sure makes it easier for me to get my point across.


It is a sad society when people are skill pre-judged based upon their apperance rather than the quality of worked produced.

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FOL though innit. I too have started to need 'windows' to deal with close up stuff rather than the longer range, which is still good.


It sure is a sad fact that appearance is such a key driver of opinions in many cases and 'The Office' truly is little more than a stage for the most part, hope I never have to work in another one, always been happier out in the wild even though it hasn't execatly helped my career I'm one happy bunny!

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Clothes may not make the man, but they DO matter. I used to use a reading passage to that effect in my English classes. It was a study that described how people's behaviour changes when they dress differently. Actors who played doctors became much more serious when they wore that white smock, actors portraying military officers automatically behaved militarily. Think of the last time you were in black tie. Didn't you feel differently? Maybe act more formal? You felt quite different from when you are dressed in jeans and t-shirt.


I know I form first opinions about university lecturers - Thai and Farang - on their appearance. If they dress like slobs, I expect their teaching to reflect that. If they take no pride in their appearance, I expect the same about their lesson preparation. My first opinion may often be wrong, but it is human nature to make it. One is expected to dress the part. After you know someone a while, dress doesn't matter very much. But in business I'm sure that first appearances are very important. Dress as if you're not interested and prospective clients will probably decide you aren't too.



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Its a joke In the office I wear a cheap $10 pair of Trousers and and $5 Shirt and I look the part, as casual I wear my $100 Calven Klein Jeans and maybe a $45 Paco Roban Polo shirt, such irony.


Shirt and tie is a costume, I refuse to go for dinner with friends direct from the office, give me 5 I nip home and get changed. My "Casual Clothing" cost 10 times more than the rags I wear in the office yet it is not deemed as aceptable.



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Guest lazyphil

when i watch the regional news, look east, quite often you see some little weasel from stowmarket or wherever on his court appearence for some sort of anti social behaviour, driving his citreon saxo too fast high on crack....got his best suit on, looking quite smart, and thinks he can fool the judge and jury. moron.

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One of the jobs I enjoyed most was as an instructor for the US Army. Didn't matter that much how I dressed, since my students were mostly combat vets and knew I was one. We'd swap war stories in our free time. The NCOs and warrant officers were great - once I was invited to be their graduation speaker. The Advanced Officers course (captains) were all right, but the Basic Officer course (new 2Lts) were full of shit. Only the mustangs (ex-EM) were any good.


In the civilian world one has to dress the part. I start out at a new faculty looking very proper, then gradually go casual. Nowadays I haven't worn a tie in years.


It's all just a game you have to play.




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Work on an electronic medical record project. Work in the field (Hospital Units, Clinics, ERs, etc.).


Dress like a slob, but that's because I'm needed (at the moment) and can get away with it, and because I want to keep a low profile.


But sometimes if I work a unit like Interventional Radiology or an OR, have to don scrubs. Then, it gets interesting because the staff think I'm a visiting surgeon and suddenly I get treated like royalty, up to people giving me first place in line and free food in the cafeteria. Haha.


People are strange.


Ps. I love women in glasses too.

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