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The sadness behind the smiles?


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Yep. I once chatted up a nice bird in her late 20s in a "painter bar" who told me where she was from - a city I taught in years ago. I was able to name her secondary school and even pinpoint the location her house, which impressed her. Then I got the biography. Husband was a drunken layabout, so she kicked him out. She was raising their daughter on her own. I had no reason to doubt her, since everything else she'd said was true.


If you speak Thai and know Thai ways, it's not very hard to separate the true stories from the make believe. In fact they probably won't even try the BS on you.



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If you speak Thai and know Thai ways, it's not very hard to separate the true stories from the make believe. In fact they probably won't even try the BS on you.


good thought.... i don't speak much thai , but i also don't make farang promise of hope , no shoveling of the BS and dun get much in return.



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Oh boy ...how many times have I heard the Thai boyfriend story. Have baby, baby stay mair, go Pattaya with boyfriend, boyfriend need motor bike, boyfriend no good, sell yaba, police take, now look farang with good heart.


If it wasn't the 'boyfriend', it was some other scumbag - if you saw the deterioration in this girl's appearance over such a short period you would know what I'm talking about. From seriously cute to just plain scary - reminded me of the photos where they show you what a crack addict looked like after each arrest over a few years. It has easily sped up the aging process by 10 years, IMO. All the while telling her sister that she doesnt like Farang and she loves her BF too much to work in the bar - thats some fucked-up 'love' IMO.

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Thai women have been brainwashed into thinking that scumbags are cool. TV and movies often depict the hero as a piece of shite. (Think of soap operas.) The hero cares for no one, beats up strangers at random and maybe rapes the heroine to show his love for her. Oh, but he is a real man! I've felt like smacking some of my students when they get dreamy-eyed about some thug and say ... "I love the way he talks." Hitler was a pretty good talker too. :(


One of my university students married her "dreamboat" and kept trying to get him to register their marriage. She finally found out he couldn't since he had a wife and children in another town! She'd had a big wedding reception at her school (she taught Mattayom) to show off her new "husband", not even suspecting he'd already been claimed. Oh, but he spoke so sweetly. :p


What do Thai women use for brains. Uh ... what do women use for brains? :(


Can any woman seriously think that some layabout loves them when he encourages her to sleep with strangers to support him? Well, plenty of BGs can.



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Thai women have been brainwashed into thinking that scumbags are cool. TV and movies often depict the hero as a piece of shite. (Think of soap operas.) The hero cares for no one, beats up strangers at random and maybe rapes the heroine to show his love for her. Oh, but he is a real man!



Flash, I dont think the Thais have a monopoly on the 'rebel without a clue' male. The difference is that it seems like a very patriarchal (sp?) society, and these same women will have boys of their own who (apparently) will grow up to treat women badly from an early age. I know I'm stereotyping, but that is the message which seems to come back from many of the expats who have lived in Thailand for decades. I vividly recall a Farang telling me that he thought Thai men were the only men who really know how to deal with Thai women, and that it came down to 'treat em mean and keep em keen'. He was married to a Thai woman, of course, and I doubt that he was prepared to share that gem with her.


If I can play Devil's Advocate, we spend a lot of time on this board decrying the rise of the 'ballbusting' feminist in our own countries, and the image of the 'overseas Thai' female isnt a happy one for most T360ers. Always happy to hear otherwise, but it seems that the perfect woman just hasnt been invented yet :)


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