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Reagan's 100th Birthday


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Hmmm, OK. Give quarter to a position who has veto powers because someone else says that's the tack they must take? :hmmm:


Not much of a leader then. Why the man-love HH?


You really cannot weasel out of this. Even Rush couldn't in his last show. He gets paid a lot more to do that than you, so you've no hope LOL!


And Star Wars...are you really going there, considering you KNOW my industry????? MASSIVE FAIL. I wish there were bigger type, as that doesn't show nearly how bad it is! Unless corporate welfare were the goal.


Give me a nugget of a end-game success there, HH. It is 30 years old, a bunch is unclassified by FOIA, so no excuse regardless what you think we can talk about.



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Another thing we should thank President Reagan for: the start up of the Star Wars program. It laid the ground work for a missle defense system that continues to this day. And anybody who thinks that countries like China, North Korea or (sooner than later) Iran are our busom buddies and would never entertain hitting the Continental U.S. if they could...well, they better move to another location. Thank President Reagan for the foresight that such an eventuality would not be impossible.



Star Wars looks like a job creation program to me Hugh. Do you seriously think China, North Korea or Iran would start lobbing missles (sic) at the US? Much more likely they would find some clown to plant one in a Walmart.


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Star Wars looks like a job creation program to me Hugh. Do you seriously think China, North Korea or Iran would start lobbing missles (sic) at the US? Much more likely they would find some clown to plant one in a Walmart.


I'm sure our missile defense system provides jobs. Very astute of you. :content:


China? Not likely. Even the dumbos in the Mafia know they can't get paid from a creditor that is dead.


N. Korea? Iran? Not today. But those two countries are run by guys not playing with a full deck. N. Korea has been given plenty of opportunities and encouragement to halt it's unnecessary investment in nuclear and delivery programs. Yet, even as it's population virtually starves to death, it continues. I'm not as concerned about N. Korea (today) as I would be if I was Japan. And, I'm not as concerned about Iran (today) as I would be if living in the ME or Europe. Crazy mutha's over there. The idea is to stay ahead of the crazies...not wait until they are fully capable.



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