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Assange Vs Takky


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There is one big difference that matters. Thailand never requested the extradition of Thaksin. Sweden requested the extradition of Assange and cooperated in the UK extradition proceedings by providing evidence that led to an ordered for his extradition to Sweden.


There are international rules about these sorts of matters. Most countries, at least developed countries, comply with them. Others do not, and then we hear complaints from that country or interests group in that country when they don't like the outcome. We have a recent thread on this, and his is just another example of the point I was trying to make about Thailand.

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I saw a doco on the women behind the charges, and the main 'victim' had consensual sex with Assange for several days - it was only AFTER he disappeared, presumably to bonk another tart he had stupidly told GFE #1 about, that things got nasty for him. Seems his ego led him to believe he could bonk any number of Swedish women 'free' and completely without consequences - would have been better off paying them upfront. Hell hath no fury.

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As I said, he is another sociopath. There is no right or wrong, no good or bad ... only what I want! Others have said this about him. It finally caught up with him.


I am aware of only 2 people who regarded him as self centred...his Wikileaks computer technician and a sacked student volunteer, who out of pique quite irresponsibly revealed passwords endangering sources.


For a sociopath, he has a lot of loyal friends... Geoffrey Robertson QC, Vaughan Smith, John Pilger, Jemima Khan, Ken Loach, Michael Moore, Peter Tatchell, Hanif Kureishi, actor Bill Nighy, the Nobel prize winner Sir John Sulston and human rights campaigner Bianca Jagger..to name but a few.


The rest of the anti Assange rhetoric probably comes from that great lover of free speech Murdoch owned Fox Noise and governments he has upset, who treated us like mushrooms...fed us bullshit and kept us in the dark.


We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Julian Assange. Besides his exposure of corruption, war crimes, and hypocrisy, it is due partly to him that millions recently have been freed from oppressive Western backed dictatorships in the Middle East.


I don’t think he has shown any bias either way in exposing governments of every political shade.

He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.


The impasse over the Swedish extradition could be simply resolved..a 100% guarantee from Sweden that after a trial, guilty or not guilty, he will most emphatically NOT be extradited to USA. Sorted. If they can't explicitly guarantee that, then run Julian, run!


If I or you were he, I would be wise not to trust the bastards either. With all this extraordinary fuss, I smell a rat! I'd insist on a video link trial too.



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I admit that almost all I have read about him has been negative, but that could well be because that is all the press wants to print. The negative comments have been played up quite heavily.


p.s. There are lots of goodies from the US embassy in Bangkok in the leaks. 'Nuff said. :)






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The impasse over the Swedish extradition could be simply resolved..a 100% guarantee from Sweden that after a trial, guilty or not guilty, he will most emphatically NOT be extradited to USA. Sorted. If they can't explicitly guarantee that, then run Julian, run!



How very true. The Swedish government could easily make a commitment to not extradite him to a country that uses torture as an interrogation method. This is common practice when many other countries are involved. The fact that the government wont make such a commitment makes me and other extremely suspicious.


Be assured that I am not the only Swede that thinks that this business stinks.

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I am aware of only 2 people who regarded him as self centred...his Wikileaks computer technician and a sacked student volunteer, who out of pique quite irresponsibly revealed passwords endangering sources.


For a sociopath, he has a lot of loyal friends... Geoffrey Robertson QC, Vaughan Smith, John Pilger, Jemima Khan, Ken Loach, Michael Moore, Peter Tatchell, Hanif Kureishi, actor Bill Nighy, the Nobel prize winner Sir John Sulston and human rights campaigner Bianca Jagger..to name but a few.


The rest of the anti Assange rhetoric probably comes from that great lover of free speech Murdoch owned Fox Noise and governments he has upset, who treated us like mushrooms...fed us bullshit and kept us in the dark.


We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Julian Assange. Besides his exposure of corruption, war crimes, and hypocrisy, it is due partly to him that millions recently have been freed from oppressive Western backed dictatorships in the Middle East.


I don’t think he has shown any bias either way in exposing governments of every political shade.

He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.


The impasse over the Swedish extradition could be simply resolved..a 100% guarantee from Sweden that after a trial, guilty or not guilty, he will most emphatically NOT be extradited to USA. Sorted. If they can't explicitly guarantee that, then run Julian, run!


If I or you were he, I would be wise not to trust the bastards either. With all this extraordinary fuss, I smell a rat! I'd insist on a video link trial too.




The Wikileaks material I have seen on Thailand does not make the US look bad or reveal any US secrets. It's mostly frank reports from US embassy staff and Ambassadors on major problems in Thailand (and that is about all we can say). Its embarrassing to the US that these candid observations have been revealed, but it does not disclose any US secrets. The reports are damaging to the host country (but perhaps this confirmation of what Thais having been hearing as rumor for years), will ultimately do Thailand some good.


Now here is thought for conspiracy buffs: what if Assange is actually working for the US? He's saying things the US would like to say but cannot say, and he is doing this as someone who has purloined information from the US and has made a great show of how he fears that the US will do him great harm or perhaps kill him. This provides him with tremendous credibility.

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