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Smutty Bit's - Or How I Had My Knees Sucked In A Jakarta Brothel

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Been to Mongolia once. A few nights in UB and a night "up-country". Interesting place, has a very soviet style appearance mixed with elements of industrial Chinese. Some of the women are crackers, perhaps more Eurasian than true Mongols. HAd a couple of fun nights out and a weird one.


Walking the streets of UB with a mate we asked directions to a bar/drinking place and were directed to a joint in a basement just off a big square. We should probably have realised at the big swastika set in the stone floor but nevertheless kept going to be greeted by mein host, none other than a Mongol made up version of the Fuhrer himself. The whole place was like some sort of bar come shrine. We had a beer and left. Odd place. Then there was the great night out with our hosts who took us everywhere from a "sort of" Hard Rock cafe style joint but with a string quartet which all the locals thought was bangin! And from there to what I can only call a very European style low rent strip club brothel. Fun but then again not really.


Vodka, it's awesome. At 4 in the morning when it's 20 below and you miles from anywhere out on the steppe a galss or three of neat vodka served in a paper cup is truly awesome. The warming effect as it courses through your body is impressive.


Had a Mongolian girl last approach me in Hong Kong about 3 weeks ago, very pretty and I would have happily paid that piper but for an early start the next day. There are plenty about, a few in BKK, I've been approached in Sin-galore by a Mongol or two, nothing that I know of in Doha, they're probably too good looking or young to have needed to make that move yet.

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