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Don’t be concerned over one million artillery shells North Korea sent Russia, only 4% are in working condition – Dykyi


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North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un "decided to flex his muscles" and ordered 2,400 shells to be fired at a deserted island in 2020.

"Of those 2,400 shells, only 400 reached the island. And of those 400, about 80 exploded. So now we take the quality of Korean production [into consideration], 4% of the shells fired actually exploded where they were supposed to. Now, we multiply one million by 4%, and we get what kind of real help comrade Un was able to give comrade Putin," Dykyi explained, suggesting that North Korea only provided Russia with about 40,000 working shells.

Dykyi suggested that the Pyongyang instructors may have come along with the shells because "Russian artillerymen may simply be afraid to use these ‘masterpieces of the neighboring defense industr’y because it is not known how many of them exploded right in the guns...


Interesting if true.

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Typical “Dumbed Down Math (no S as they can’t spell)”  by a Murcia  website.

80 out of 2400 is 3.333%, closer to 3% not 4%, well it was when following the Rules for Rounding Numbers  I was taught at about the age of 7 by a decent education system.

3.33% of 1 Million is 33,000 which is nowhere near “about 40,000” 40,000 is more than 20% greater than 33,000

Rant Over


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